Why do the Team Entrepreneurship Changemaker Lab Program?

This Changemaker Lab program is ideal for those looking for a practical, hands-on approach to learning, who have the energy and commitment to take charge of their learning and discover themselves in a caring and safe innovative environment.

This radically different pathway gives you the opportunity to set-up and run your own projects and ventures. Inspired by the pioneering Finnish ‘Tiimiakatemia’ approach based on the Partus Method, we designed this program collaboratively together with our Evergreen Entrepreneurship students and were the first to introduce this program to the United States.

Here are some links to the CML videos which are blocked below currently.

In the first few weeks you’ll form a Team Company of up to 20 students, and work on real projects with the potential to earn income while gaining entrepreneurial experience.

As a Team Entrepreneur, you’ll work in your own office environment virtually or in the classroom in our innovative SEM II C 4107 or we will interact with you virtually and fully online. You will create and manage projects around your passions, attend directors meetings, manage budgets and build valuable contacts and networks.

Your Team Company will run its own training sessions with the support of an experienced team coach. You’ll also join professional workshops and personal development sessions to ensure you develop your entrepreneurial potential.

Why study business team entrepreneurship?

What makes a successful entrepreneur? Research shows and experience suggests that it comes down to the creativity of a team with common goals and aspirations, shared values and the passion to succeed.

Our Team Entrepreneur Counterparts in the United Kingdom.

Where can it take me?

This learn by doing program prepares you for work in the same way a graduate development program does, ensuring you’ll be a confident, motivated and resilient when you face the challenges of your workplace.

You’ll know your strengths, interests and aspirations. You will have a clear understanding of were you come from, what you want to accomplish and will determine how you will know when you get there. You’ll have key skills and valuable contacts to hit the ground running in your career and be internet tech ready for the GIG economy.

By following the program on a multi year basis, that is, completing the three pathway levels with the third as a path to exam preparation capstone, you gain and self create practical learn by doing exposure to a large part of the content tested on the CMA certification exam and the CSCA certification exam   or gain exposure to a number of project management certification areas pmi.org.

You’ll graduate with diverse and exciting career options. All our alumni have said that the program prepared them well for starting their own businesses. A number have already started their businesses and have formed potential lifelong friends and connections.

This program also prepares you well to go into mainstream employment with a good understanding of intra-preneurship, cooperative leadership, business, communication and collaboration skills.