Our extensive range of entrepreneurship “incubators” coordinated by our interdisciplinary entrepreneurship faculty coaches through their programs are well equipped to enable students to get real hands on experiences within a classroom lab environment where expert support is needed such as that of physicists, coral reef biologists, media experts, artists, writers, computer scientists, agricultural scientists, mathematicians and business professionals. These “incubator” spaces complemented with the Changemaker Lab can provide our learners with a hands on and entrepreneurship infused Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science Degrees.

On this page we introduce our different entrepreneurship spaces throughout the campus focused on the different disciplines offered throughout the curriculum, presented as “incubation spaces”, in which students or groups of students find reference points and guidance towards realizing their passions and ideas in their specific fields of study (such as the Creative Arts Incubator), Organic Farm Incubator SOS). Choose your incubator, work on your idea then identify expert program faculty participating in our Changemaker lab when you are ready for your capstone and to start your career. You have the choice of being self employed or develop yourself as an intra-preneur developing other organizations.

We also showcase our common co-working-like inspirational space, to which student team entrepreneurs refer to as our changemaker lab on campus.  Its the venue where the current entrepreneurship changemaker lab program is being presented. This space is designed in a way that encourages and promotes dialogue that support the student team entrepreneurs desires for progress and establishment of their projects. In this new space knowledge and insights acquired in this common reference space allow entrepreneurship students to create sustainable social justice programs, clone corals to ensure their survival in our ever changing climate, design solar power and alternative energy systems and create professional media productions in professional television studios. Students learn to form and lead teams and teams when they create knowledge creating companies.

The specialized spaces work as disciplinary focal points when students work on awakening their passions with faculty from a variety of disciplines. These are complemented with workshops, conferences, pitching sessions, and many other entrepreneurship-promoting activities. These fuel innovation and with a true interdisciplinary education system boast with alumni successes such as the 3D printer, lynda.com and a large percentage of our students have become very successful and well known entrepreneurs.


The Evergreen Tacoma campus works on integrating elements of social justice with entrepreneurial mindset and initiatives. Contact us if we can provide you with information about the Tacoma Entrepreneurial Justice Program.

Evergreen Incubator Spaces:

Physical Sciences

Team Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Energy Changemaker Lab Fall

Alternative Energy Systems Incubator Physics Lab

Sustainable Energy Systems Incubator Physics Lab

Sustainable energy systems team training session

Sustainable energy systems team training session

Sustainable Energy Systems Business Modeling

Sustainable Energy Systems Business Modeling

Organic Farm

Choose from the following discipline specific entrepreneurial development programs and pathways.

 Forests and Farms: The Systems that Sustain Us

Student-Originated Studies: Food and Agriculture

Sustainable Agriculture Lab
The Sustainable Agriculture Lab is also a venue for student groups with an agricultural or food systems focus.

Campus and community events held there include the Harvest Festival, Return to Evergreen, and workshops on cider-pressing and permaculture.

Choose from the following discipline specific entrepreneurial development programs and pathways.

Computer Science and 3D Printer Maker-space

The Physical Computing Center (PCC) is a place for students to learn and work together on computer-related technology.  One of its goals is to foster entrepreneurship in computer science and engineering.  It provides students with access to technology such as Raspberry Pis, 3D printers, Arduinos, and a variety of sensors.

The PCC is staffed by undergraduate interns, who help students gain proficiency with equipment and answer questions.  Hands-on experience is very important and is expressed as one of the 6 expectations: combining theory and practice.  It contributes to student confidence and depth of learning.

Computer Science Changemakers Presenting their business models

Computer Science Changemakers Presenting their business models



Computer Scientists Our Simon Sinek Common Why

Computer Scientists Our Simon Sinek Common Why

Computer Science and #D Printing Maker Space Incubator for the Interdisciplinary Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts Degrees.

Computer Science and 3D Printing Maker Space Incubator for the Interdisciplinary Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts Degrees.

Choose from the following discipline specific entrepreneurial development programs and pathways.

Computer Science Foundations

Data and Information: Computational Linguistics

Computer Science Internships

Modeling Biological Systems

Community Herbalism Entrepreneurial Incubator.

Choose from the following discipline specific entrepreneurial development programs and pathways.

Medicine of Community and Place
  • Community Gardens
  • European Medicinal Herb Garden

A student harvesting calendula from the garden in summer, 2017 – Photo by Tari Gunstone

A student harvesting calendula from the garden in summer, 2017 – Photo by Tari Gunstone

  • Labs
  • Greenhouses
  • Farmhouse+SAL
  • 4300 Kitchen
  • Student Activities
  • Entrepreneurship Program
  • Business+Innovation @ SPSCC
  • Writing+QUASR
  • Library
  • Vet Center
  • SASS (Career, internship, advising)
  • IR
  • Grants
  • Foundation
  • Beaches
  • Dorms
  • The Outdoor Program
  • Longhouse
  • Health Clinic
  • Childcare
  • Light Lounge
  • Purse Hall
  • Library Meadow
  • Lobby
  • 4300 Basement
  • Motor Pool
  • Bike Shop
  • Metal Shop
  • Woodshop
  • Screenprint
  • TV Studio (CCAM)
  • Theater
  • Dance Studios
  • Gallery
  • Media Services
  • Photo Lab
  • COMM Building
  • Carving+Fiber Arts
  • Ceramics
  • Makerspace
  • Kaos Radio
  • CPJ
  • Neon Lab
  • Tacoma Campus
  • SOS Model
  • Alumni Network
  • Internships on Campus
  • Campus Leader/Director
  • Career/Student Group
  • Clubs
  • Orientation for New Students

How do we use these spaces

Our flexible program design options allow us to:

  • Fully integrate the different spaces into curriculum.
  • Allow for students’ projects to be developed inside incubators.


Evergreen is a progressive, public liberal arts and sciences college located in Olympia, Washington, in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. Learn more.

The Evergreen State College has been accredited continuously by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities since receiving initial accreditation in 1974.  The Commission most recently reaffirmed Evergreen’s accreditation in 2014.