Mt. Rainier at sunset with evergreen trees

Photo by Dean Diemert 

The Consortium’s Mission

The Washington Learning Communities Consortium (WLCC) is a group of two-year and four-year institutions working together to foster, nurture, and support integrative learning in Washington state.

Our goals include:

  • Assisting in the development of new learning community programs and technologies
  • Creating resources for mentoring and training
  • Encouraging collaborative exchanges among faculty, administrators, and staff
  • Examining assessment methodologies for integrative learning and learning communities
  • Supporting the development and continuation of institutions’ efforts to improve student achievement through integrative learning experiences

WLCC, founded in November 2009, includes campuses that have been involved with learning community work for nearly thirty years as well as campuses that are new to integrative learning and learning communities. The consortium brings together faculty, administrators, and staff to strategize about effective learning communities practice.

Steering Committee