Data from our gravitropism/phototropism lab and a word about lab noteobooks

Here is the excel file with our class data. Here is the tomato graph and the IAA radish root graph for your to print and add to your lab notebook.

Please note that a complete botany lab notebook includes study questions, drawings for each station/prepared slide with labels, measurements and scale.

For our final lab, I expect you to include a brief introduction to the goals of the lab, your hypotheses, data tables with results (cut and paste from your lab handout or transcribe) from experiments and observations of tomatoes and radish seeds, a brief methods (pasted in or written out), individual and class results displayed as a figure or graph (provided here) and discussion of results with explanation of any possible experimental errors.

Good luck!


Reminder: Mandatory Lab and Project Space Clean-up, 9 am Thu. May 26

  • We have mandatory lab and project space clean-up scheduled at 9 am Thu. May 26.
  • Participating in clean up is part of your program responsibilities as a student who used lab facilities.
  • If you miss the clean up, you will need to arrange with an SIT to make up the clean up on your own time and complete it individually.
  • You may not sign up for an evaluation conference unless you have completed a lab clean up. Submission of evaluations may also be contingent on lab clean up completion.

Guidelines for Final Public Presentation

From the Research Project Guidelines:

Guidelines for Final Public Presentation: an opportunity for you to creatively present the results of your research project.

  • Multimedia presentation centered around your plant motion video.
  • Each group member contributes to the creation and the delivery of the presentation.
  • Should include results of your analysis including graphs and figures.
  • Think of this presentation as a trailer for your blog.
  • We encourage you to showcase some of the interesting findings from your individual blog posts
  • Some possible items to engage your audience include physical display of your research (e.g. poster, collage, demonstration, etc.), actual plants, scientific instruments, physical models, games, etc.

Week 9 Reading and Schedule

For Week 9, please read:

  • NO NEW READING. Please review previous botany and physics reading assignments, homework assignments, and quizzes. Bring botany text with you to class Tuesday.

Week 9 Schedule:

  • due by 6 pm Mon. May 23 via WebAssign: Physics Problem Set 7.
  • due by 9 am, Wed. May 25, in class: Quiz 5, 6 Revisions. See this post for details.
  • complete by 9 am, Thu. May 26, bring to class: Group Project Presentation for faculty and peer review.
  • Upcoming in Week 10: Lab Notebooks submitted for final review at 9 am Tue. May 31. Group Project participation forms due at 9 am Tue. May 31. Botany final exam at 9 am Tue. May 31. Physics final exam at 9 am Wed. June 1. Program potluck, physics exam revision workshop, self-evaluation workshop, eval conference sign-ups, final program wrap 12 – 4 pm Thu. June 2. Portfolios (if required), physics exam revision (optional) due Fri. June 3.
  • 9 am, Tue. May 24. Sem 2 B1105 Botany Quiz; Botany Lecture; Bring botany text with you to class.
  • 1 pm, Tue. May 24. Class meets in CAL West: Science Skills Workshop – work on Science Carnival Presentations
  • 9 am, Wed. May 25. Lab 1 2046: Physics Quiz; Physics Lecture; Bring past physics quizzes and physics problem set notebook to class.
  • 9 am, Thu. May 26. Lab 1 1040: MANDATORY LAB and PROJECT SPACE CLEAN-UP. Physics Workshop. Week 10 questions: exams, self-evaluations, potluck, final program wrap.
  • 1 pm, Thu. May 26. Lab 1 2046: Group Project Presentation dress rehearsals.
  • 9:30 am, Fri. May 27. Lab 1 2046: set-up Science Carnival Presentations.
  • 10am – noon, 1 – 3 pm, Fri. May 27. Lab 1 2046. SCIENCE CARNIVAL!!!