Update: Workforce Development (January, 2021)

The Workforce Development team is refining its vision and goals and developing answers to a series of important planning questions:

How to ensure all key stakeholders are involved in workforce development planning at the college? How do we pull the college into the region’s workforce development system and planning?

What will the process be for developing future curriculum/programs/certificates that will be linked to workforce development?  How to collaborate with the Path groups and Centers?

What staff will be needed to support the initiative as well as students who may be eligible for state and national workforce development funding?

How do we market internally and externally?

We will seek to coordinate our efforts with several other workteams, including the Capstone and Certificates groups.

In particular, we will work closely with the Certificates workgroup with the goal of developing a small number of certificates with a workforce development theme for fall 2021.  

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