Week 7 New Academic Directions workshops

Please register at the link below to attend. 

Wednesday | Week 7 | February 17, 2021
Registration Link: evergreen.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZArd–prTMuGtBoXUriBMxBFyZRmYBX30kS
(You need to register to receive the meeting link)

1:00-2:15 pm – Olympia Undergraduate NAD Proposal: Curricular Areas, Upper Division Credit, Emphases

Hosted by Steven Hendricks and members of the Standing Committee on the Curriculum
Join  to continue the discussion about the Olympia Undergraduate School Proposal shared in today’s faculty meeting
Live Notes | proposal attached

2:15-2:45 pm 30 minute break – perhaps a snowy walk?

2:45-4:00 pm Holistic Advising: What is the ideal role for faculty in advising and mentoring?

Allen Thompson & Therese Saliba
An opportunity to share your perspectives on faculty’s role in advising as a follow up to today’s faculty meeting.
Faculty Meeting presentation | Faculty Advising Survey data (Access Code = greener2021)

If you haven’t had a chance to respond to the faculty advising survey, there is still time to add your voice!