Update: Holistic Advising: Roles & Expectations (Feb 2021)

The team, Cholee Gladney, Therese Saliba, Andy Corn, and Allen Thompson has spent the past three weeks presenting their work on Holistic Advising to multiple audiences with plans to incorporate, where appropriate, feedback from the presentations into the plan.  These audiences include: the Division of Inclusive Excellence and Student Success, Senior Leadership, Student Affairs Design work group, Campus Leadership Group, and Faculty.

The second Coaching professional development session with Dr. Christina Downey, Indiana University, Kokomo was well received.  Participants were presented with real-life Evergreen case scenarios to reflect upon and discuss in small groups, how to resolve issues faced by Greeners using content presented by Dr. Downey.

The group continues to meet regularly with John McLain to develop content used for submitting a Title III Grant application.