Tag Archives: NAD

NAD: Teams Membership Summer 2020

Here is a more detailed list of the team membership for feasibility and implementation work this summer.

The project is stewarded by a “nesting dolls” leadership structure described by the three groups listed below. Membership for these teams is shown in the document linked above.  

  • Interdivisional Steering Committee provides high-level oversight to the project. 
  • Project Oversight Group monitors the status of the project on a weekly basis and provide guidance on any challenges that may arise. 
  • Project Lead Team directs the work on a day-to-day basis. 

In addition to these oversight teams, the true work is distributed to project teams working on designing and developing the components of the initiative such as new curriculumcertificates, capstonesadvising and equity.  If you have any interest in joining these teams, please send an email to bigbets@evergreen.edu. 

Washington Roundtable: Path to 70% Credential Attainment

An interesting report from the Washington Roundtable and the Council of Presidents regarding a goal for 70% of all Washington high school graduates to attain some sort of credential.  This is relevant for the workforce development work happening with the New Academic Directions (NAD) (aka “Big Bets”) work. 


Photo by Marleena Garris on Unsplash

New Academic Directions: NAD Work

Summer work has begun!  With this pivot, the language of “Big Bets” has given way to “NAD: New Academic Directions.”  Don’t worry, it’s all a part of the same project.  The difference is we now have our “big bets” and we are figuring out what that all looks like through feasibility and implementation over the summer months. 

Essentially, what started out as a fairly centralized project overseen by a Coordinating Group and Planning Team has split into a variety of work groups set to evaluate different aspects of the proposal passed by the faculty in June 2020.  JuliA Metzker described the current organizational structure as a “nesting dolls” affair—apt!

Many of you should have access to the Big Bets Canvas Site, a storehouse of resources for the Big Bets Summer Institute held in June.  In “Modules,” there is a “Shared Archive” section that maps out much of the summer work.  For a glimpse, here are some of the overarching documents we’re using (below).

Photo by Vicko Mozara on Unsplash