Tag Archives: faculty meeting

Big Bets In Progress: Amendments

Greetings, All.  All quarters are busy at the end, but this one seems especially so with the Big Bets work well underway.  I’ll do my best to keep everything on this site updated. 

Please find below two supplementary documents provided by Nancy Koppelman related to a proposed amendment focused on Schools, and another from Eirik Steinhoff, also regarding Schools.

Additionally, here is a supplemental document from Marja Eloheimo regarding amendment number six (see “Big Bets Amendments,” below) and one from Laura VerMeulen, also regarding Schools. 

And, drum roll, please… the amendments we’ve received!  Compiled in one document–thank you, Kevin Francis!

Big Bets Model Proposal: May 2020

Woah, woah, we have a draft proposal! 

The proposal language itself is the left-hand document titled “New Academic Directions Model May 2020,” the right-hand document is the slideshow on the model presented in the Spring Week 8 Faculty Meeting.

Finally, the document below was created by breakout groups in the Week 8 Faculty Meeting and will be available to anyone for contribution until Wednesday, May 27.  This link should be accessible (and editable) by anyone with an Evergreen login.  Come on over and see what your colleagues are thinking, and add your own!


Student and Academic Life Staff Meeting Activity 2/13/20

We have had a robust week of “big bets” updates, including at the Wednesday, February 12th faculty meeting and at the Thursday, February 13th staff meeting for the Student and Academic Life (SAL) division. 

The faculty meeting update on “big bets” was led by a group of faculty serving on our Coordinating Group–a big thank you to Carri LeRoy, Karen Gaul, Kevin Francis, and others for putting together a robust discussion and activity centered around all (500+!) ideas received thus far.  I hope to post to the website the presentation they put together as soon as I receive it–stay tuned. (Edit: the first iteration of the data presentation is available here. Enjoy!)

The SAL staff meeting was another great opportunity to engage our community in the “big bets” process.  Co-chairs Jen Drake and Larry Geri offered process updates, we reviewed the website, and we invited attendees into an activity focused on supporting two populations of potential student populations: “career starters” and “career accelerators” (taken from The Differentiated University). Career starters are 18-24 year old students focused on their professional lives who view colleges as a “stepping stone.”  Career accelerators are working adult students who believe college credentials will improve their chances of obtaining higher paying jobs. 

Pictures below are the answers generated by SAL staff participants to the question “what are your BEST ideas for supporting” career starters (orange paper) and career accelerators (green paper).