Tag Archives: certificates

Update: Certificates Workgroup (January, 2021)

The Certificates Workgroup has made progress in developing the framework for (i) embedded-in-the-curriculum certificates that will be comprised of programs (or components within programs) and (ii) adjacent-to-the-curriculum certificates that will be self-sustaining and include a community partner (and not be comprised of regular Evergreen courses/programs).  We are on track with our proposed Implementation Timeline (provided below).

The Certificates Workgroup has requested ~10 minutes at the (Winter) Week 8 Faculty meeting and ~30 minutes at (Winter) Week 9 Path group meetings, wherein we hope to introduce the Certificate Design Process (draft outline provided further below) to our community, and engage faculty members to ensure that they will be well-supported in developing Certificates at the college. 

Below we provide our planned Implementation Timeline, and the components of the Certificate Design Process that we will clarify/develop in coordination with the Implementation Team during Winter quarter. Please send any feedback you have to Abir and Sue at biswasa@evergreen.edu and sue.feldman@evergreen.edu


Implementation Timeline (as of 1/15/2021)

  1. Certificate workgroup established (Nov 2020). 
  2. Certificate-design-process designed and workshopped with the Implementation Team (Dec 2020). 
  3. Certificate review process designed and workshopped with the Implementation Team (Jan 2021). 
  4. Marketing plan developed (Feb 2021). 
  5. Budget policy for self-supporting certificates designed and workshopped with the Implementation Team (Feb 2021). 
  6. Certificate assessment plan designed and workshopped with the Implementation Team (March 2021). 
  7. Instructor hiring policy designed and workshopped with the Implementation Team (March 2021). 
  8. Full draft of the Certificate Policy Handbook completed (April 2021).  
  9. Pilot certificate applications submitted for review (April 2021). 
  10. Pilot certificate applications approved (May 2021). 
  11. First approved pilot certificates enrolled (June 2021).  
  12. Established Professional Studies as the home for certificates (Sept 2021). 
  13. Approve 2-4 certificates (Sept 2021). 


DRAFT Certificate Design Process components (with drafting point person)

  • Memorandum of Understanding/ Contract (between faculty and college, between faculty/college/community partner) (Sue) 
  • Syllabi, incl. learning objectives, possible pre-requisites, specific programs (or components within programs) that comprise a certificate (Abir) 
  • Assessment Plans, incl. student learning, professional competencies, curricular design, enrollment/revenue (Tamsin) 
  • Budget, incl. self-sustaining policy (Abir, Sue, Kelli) 
  • Registration and records approval— (embedded in this is tracking students & recording in transcripts)  (Amy, Tamsin) 
  • Catalog description / schedule /space/ mode of learning (Amy) 
  • Certificate Demand (in community, professionally) (Larry, Tamsin) 
  • Marketing and recruitment plan/audience (Amy) 
  • Timeline—Certificate implementation-scale, and certificate achievement-scale (including possible need for priority registration/scheduling (Larry, Abir)