Update: School of Graduate Studies Workgroup (January, 2021)

The School of Graduate Studies Workgroup has formed 3 subgroups to develop draft sections of a school proposal that responds to our charge:

i) An organization subgroup to develop sections of the proposal on administrative structure of the school and physical location . 

ii) A curriculum subgroup to address the school expandability, professional studies, and mode of delivery sections of the proposal

iii) A needs assessment subgroup to draft a needs assessment section for the proposal and to obtain stakeholder input.

The subgroups are holding meetings this month . The “needs assessment/stakeholders” subgroup met  to brainstorm 1) sources of existing information, and 2) ways to gather new information, that we can use to inform the School of Graduate & Professional Studies proposal.  The organization subgroup is identifying the level at which key graduate school functions should be delivered (program, school, or college). The curriculum sub-committee has a meeting scheduled early next week to define the curriculum proposal and review process for the graduate school. We want a balance of thorough and expedited. 

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