Proposed Schools Prototypes

The Schools Team has been working hard the last several weeks on the process of developing prototype models for schools that would be components of The Evergreen State University.  The Conceptual Plan for New Academic Directions passed at the June 10, 2020 faculty meeting includes this language on the creation of undergraduate schools:

The names and structures of the Interdisciplinary Schools for undergraduates will be developed during the summer and fall of 2020, and approved through a vote of the faculty by the end of fall 2020. The new structure will commence in academic year 2021-2022. This new structure will be evaluated during the summer of 2024.

The Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Schools (“schools” is a working term) will help students better understand the curriculum; will provide an organizational hub for wrap-around advising; and will better allow for various features of the curriculum, including certificates, capstones, and first year programs. Existing Paths (and emerging or new paths) will be grouped to form the Schools based on interdisciplinary clusters that are meaningful to students.

Here are two models of undergraduate schools that have been developed by sub-groups of the Schools Team.  These models were crafted to meet a set of design criteria agreed upon by the overall team (see the document below for details).  

INTERDIVISIONAL “COLOR SCHOOLS” PROTOTYPE.  Schools Development Team #1: Kristina Ackley, Krishna Chowdary, Savvina Chowdhury, Stacey Davis, Zoltán Grossman:  

THREE SCHOOLS MODEL:  Dawn Barron and Coral Garey:

And here is a proposal for the structure of the The School of Graduate and Professional Studies.  Note that under the Conceptual Plan passed by the faculty, no vote will be required on this plan, though it will still proceed through an approval process.  

GRADUATE SCHOOL TEAM MODEL.Grad School Team model: John Withey, Mike Craw and Sue Feldman:

Here are the design criteria that each team responded to: