Coordinating Group Meeting + Models 2.0

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As we head into week one of spring quarter (beginning Thursday, April 2nd), we are still wrapping our heads around what the impact of COVID-19 might be on the “big bets” process.  We know the timeline will shift and we are working to determine what that might look like on the ground.  The legislative “ask” will change, certainly, and we are considering how we might bring “big bets”to bear on the increasing need for regional workforce retraining in light of COVID-19-related job loss in our area. 

We will continue to offer updates as we have them, so please stay tuned. 

In the meantime, the Coordinating Group had an initial remote meeting today.  We had 26 people attend (awesome!) and we explored models put together by subcommittees over the last few weeks.  Many thanks in particular to Coral Garey, Steven Hendricks, and Kevin Francis for their insight and effort.