Community Conversations: From Blue Skies to Big Bets 1/13/20 + 1/15/20

A second round of community conversations was held week two of winter quarter. We had 53 total attendees composed of the following: 23 staff members, 16 faculty, 12 students, and one alum.  

Agenda for the Community Conversations: From Blue Skies to Big Bets, winter 2020

Context provided included data on demographic of higher ed (see here and below), the list of ideas that have been collected so far (here), and the timeline for big bets (here).

Data station one
Data station two
Data station three
Participatory Action Research, the community-based research we’re doing right now to gather ideas for the future of academics at Evergreen!
When considering models for the “Evergreen of 2030,” four components need to be considered
Model example from Larry Geri (just an example, not a final proposal!)
Model example from David McAvity (again, just an example, not a final proposal!)

What model might YOU come up with? or submit an idea here.