Big Bets Updates: Success!

Remember that Big Bets Graphic Timeline from back in January?  Well, we are clipping right along toward our goal of a thriving Evergreen!

The week 10 faculty meeting was held yesterday (Wednesday, June 3, 2020) and a vote was held on the proposal (for more information, see this post). Amendments were suggested, amendments were accepted, and the proposal passed overwhelmingly.  That means we will continue to explore robust, exciting, new academic directions for Evergreen, beginning this summer with a deeper look at feasibility followed by implementation planning.

We are far from done, but we have reached a noteworthy milestone with much community support!  We absolutely could not have gotten to where we are now if not for all of you.  Your input, work, feedback, and thoughtful engagement have brought us to where we are today.

For fun, let’s take a look at some of the numbers:

124 total meetings, workshops, and gatherings related to the Big Bets project since Nov 2019

  • Of those 124 meetings:
    • Planning Team: 42
    • Coordinating Group: 19
    • Blue Sky Meetings: 5
    • Faculty Meetings: 6
    • Board of Trustees: 6
    • Student Engagement: 9
    • Feasibility Planning: 18
    • Miscellaneous: 19