Big Bets Summer Institute, June 18 + 19

I’m sure it’s not lost on you that we have made a quick pivot from spring quarter to summer work.  No sooner did we commence an amazing commencement, we jumped into a full season of Summer Institutes!  (A BIG thank you to the wonderful and talented staff at the Washington Center–JuliA Metzker, Rachel Homchick, Violet Cavicchi Munoz, Bonnie Walden, Charles Favor, Eric Stein, and others.) 

Our kick-off institute (in addition to a great institute for First Year Experience staff instructors serving next year), has been the Big Bets Summer Institute held Thursday, June 18, and Friday, June 19.  Many people in our community have been given access to the Canvas course connected to this Institute and that course is a storehouse of great information, including recordings of both days of the Institute:  For folks not able to access that course, many of the same resources available there are available here:

Additionally, I wanted to put a few hyper-relevant documents here in this post for easy access.  Cheers!

Photo by Jo Szczepanska on Unsplash
What we would have been doing if we’d been in person…