Author Archives: crawm

School of Graduate Studies Workgroup Update

The School of Graduate Studies Workgroup has completed first drafts of five of the seven sections in its charge. In addition, it launched a survey on March 12th of Evergreen graduate students to help identify student issues the workgroup may have overlooked in its work. We will prompt the survey populations with a reminder email and ask for responses by Sunday, March 28.  The survey asks respondents about their experiences with 1) the Graduate Admissions process, 2) the time between admission and enrollment, and (for current students) 3) their experiences with various support structures and advising in our programs.

We are in the process of revising the draft sections that have been completed and we plan to meet the week of April 12th to review survey results and the revised draft and to begin work on the budget and timeline sections for the proposal.  After this process, we plan to consider ways to use existing information, and seek new information, from additional Evergreen stakeholders (especially staff, graduate, and undergraduate faculty) and external collaborators and partners.

Update: School of Graduate Studies Workgroup (Feb 2021)

The School of Graduate Studies workgroup is wrapping up the first phase of its sub-group work on its proposal, addressing matters of administrative structure, location, curriculum, professional studies, and modes for delivering courses.  We are also continuing development of a plan to seek stakeholder input and feedback on the proposal we are developing. We plan to meet on Monday the 22nd to review our work so far and plan out steps for developing budget and timeline components to the proposal.

Update: School of Graduate Studies Workgroup (January, 2021)

The School of Graduate Studies Workgroup has formed 3 subgroups to develop draft sections of a school proposal that responds to our charge:

i) An organization subgroup to develop sections of the proposal on administrative structure of the school and physical location . 

ii) A curriculum subgroup to address the school expandability, professional studies, and mode of delivery sections of the proposal

iii) A needs assessment subgroup to draft a needs assessment section for the proposal and to obtain stakeholder input.

The subgroups are holding meetings this month . The “needs assessment/stakeholders” subgroup met  to brainstorm 1) sources of existing information, and 2) ways to gather new information, that we can use to inform the School of Graduate & Professional Studies proposal.  The organization subgroup is identifying the level at which key graduate school functions should be delivered (program, school, or college). The curriculum sub-committee has a meeting scheduled early next week to define the curriculum proposal and review process for the graduate school. We want a balance of thorough and expedited.