Update: Paths Implementation (January, 2021)

The Paths Implementation Project really kicked off fully last October. Our team has collaborated on developing a set of common resources, including shared definitions of Paths and Fields of Study, as well as documenting different types of students’ journeys to and through Evergreen, as a high school direct, transfer-community college, and transfer-adult learner. In addition, further documents were developed to identify the links between Fields of Study and Paths.

The Paths team is focusing on finalizing all common resources to be used for external and internal marketing of Paths. In addition, we are updating Path needs with Mellon Fund resources for further implementation, developing co-curricular and advising structures to support Paths while students are at Evergreen, and initiating system upgrades to accommodate all of the changes.

The team is working on an aggressive timeframe to begin roll out of Path materials both external and internal in April 2021. CAT Leaders will work with Path Conveners to bring developments forward to get feedback from faculty through Path Meetings in Winter Quarter.

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