Blue Sky #1: 12/2/19

woman standing in the middle of the room holding up an index card, speaking to people in small groups

Julia Metzker, facilitator

piece of white paper with "agenda" written on it with the following items: 1) introduction & situation 2) idea generation in small groups 3)wrap up, next steps

Agenda for the Blue Sky Conversations

piece of white paper with the words "How confident are you in our ability to realize these big bets?" at the top and a 1-5 scale at the bottom with faces representing different numbers from scared to happy

Confidence scale used for dot voting

two sheets of paper, one on the left that says "No Action" with things that would happen if no action were taken, and one on the right that says "Big Bets" with a list of big ideas for the future of the College

Example ideas generated in small groups

a sheet of paper that says "No Action" at the top with only one thing written below: "Bad things could happen!"

A concise summary of “No Action”