Welcome Letter

If you are interested in joining Matter and Motion in the winter quarter, please see this Academic Fair Handout – Winter and contact the faculty immediately. 

Dear Matter & Motion students

Welcome to Matter & Motion (M&M), an interdisciplinary integration of calculus, chemistry, and physics! For those of you new to the college, welcome to Evergreen. For those of you returning to Evergreen, welcome back. Your faculty team: Dharshi Bopegedera (chemistry), Krishna Chowdary (physics, math), and Rachel Hastings (math, linguistics) are so happy to have this chance to learn with you. We each have many years of experience teaching and learning at Evergreen and elsewhere.

We hope you are having a good summer. We are very much looking forward to our work together this year, helping you learn chemistry, mathematics, and physics and the ways in which they support, reinforce, and provide new perspectives on one another.

Student Survey: Please complete the Student Survey as soon as possible and no later than Friday September 23 by 6pm. We are eager to start learning more about you, and the questions in the survey allow us to start doing that.

Program website: Our program summer website https://sites.evergreen.edu/mnm2223/, contains scheduling information, announcements, etc., and will serve as a central clearinghouse of information for our program this summer. In particular, you can find information about:

Class Meeting Schedule and Assignment Due Dates: Our program schedule for fall quarter, along with regular weekly assignment due dates, is below.


First Class Meeting: All students (even if you are taking the program for partial credit) MUST be present at the mandatory first class meeting on Wednesday, September 28th from 9 am -11 pm in Purce Hall, Classroom 7. Please contact us as soon as possible if you will not be able to attend this first class meeting. 


Please feel free to contact us with questions you might have. We look forward to meeting and working with you this year. Please let us know how we can help you feel welcomed to and supported in M&M.

Sincerely, Dharshi, Krishna, and Rachel