Texts & Materials

Although textbooks can be expensive, we will use them all year. We have opted for less expensive versions where possible (older editions, loose-leaf options, etc.). Students are required to have access to these texts for successful completion of the program. Used books or bookstore rentals are acceptable. The campus bookstore will have these books available, and most are readily available from online vendors.

Physics Matter and Interactions, 4th edition, Chabay & Sherwood. ISBN: 9781119455752 (loose-leaf) or ISBN: 9781118875865 (bound) 
Math (pre-calculus) Functions Modeling Change: A Preparation for Calculus. 5th edition, Connally, Hughes-Hallett, Gleason, et. al. ISBN: 9781118986301 (hardcover) or ISBN: 9781118583197 (paperback)
Math (calculus) Calculus: Concepts and Contexts, 4th edition, Stewart. ISBN: 9780495557425
Chemistry Chemistry, 9th Edition, Zumdahl & Zumdahl. ISBN: 9781133611097 (please note that this is an older edition. All homework will be assigned from this edition.)
Mole Concepts and Stoichiometry: A Chemistry Workbook, Bopegedera. ISBN: 9781607977445
Notebook #2001, 192 numbered pages, Published by the Scientific Notebook Company (chemistry lab notebook – available at the campus bookstore or online) – for lab
Scientific calculator – will be used every day and for exams (graphing calculator is acceptable but NOT required). Cell phones cannot be used.
Lab coat and goggles that fit you well and provide good eye protection. Goggles are best purchased from the Science Support Center on campus (you can fit them on before purchasing). Please wait to purchase until after our first week Lab Safety Lecture.