Engaging Civil Society in the Energy Transition: the Role of Grids

Demand for electricity will increase as we switch away from using fossil fuels, especially in heating and transport. This growth in electricity use will require expanding renewable energy, and improvements to the system that distributes all that electricity: the grid! Without civil society advocating for grid development, as well as investment in renewables, the energy transition will not happen quickly enough!

Join this virtual event on 3 November to learn answers to these two critical questions:

  • What is the role of power grids in the transition to renewable energy?
  • How can civil society drive this change?

What is the story? 

Wind and solar energy make up ever-larger percentages of global energy sources, and renewable power in general has grown dramatically in recent years. Yet, one major stumbling block is the distribution system for electricity: the grid. A properly developed grid will help balance the fluctuating electricity produced by wind and solar power plants. The transition to renewable energy requires significant grid development in every part of the world.

Grids development, though, happens over long time-scales and is very costly. Governments and large energy companies often manage the exclusive planning process, so without input from civil society, grids expansion plans may not be sufficient for a fast transition to renewables or incorporate perspectives that prioritise environmental and climate goals.

Civil society can influence grid planning decisions, whether from a desire for clean air or to push for climate action. And whether you are in charge of an international non-profit, or a volunteer at the local library, your input is needed to shape grid developments.

Why should I attend? 

Participants will leave with an understanding of the role that civil society can play in grid planning efforts and with ideas for how they can get involved in their local community.

During the event, participants will hear from experts from around the world who will share real-world examples of civil society shaping grid planning. The presentation will also include an explanation of the role of grids in the energy transition. Finally, participants will be invited to join discussions on real-world examples and ask the presenters questions to learn about engaging civil society in the grid planning process.

Event Details

We are organising two nearly identical sessions on Tuesday 3 November to accommodate different time zones.

9:00 – 11:00 CET Session

16:00 – 18:00 CET Session

Supporting Documents

To begin learning about the topic, we have written an article briefly outlining the key issues related to this topic.

Eventually we will also link a case study report here, as well as the videos from the presentations during the workshop.