Center for Community Based Learning & Action (CCBLA)

Fall 2020
Support basics of backyard garden building, and also engage in remote support for the program through evaluation, outreach, partner communications, and remote trainings for gardeners.
Our mission is to grow healthy food, people, and community. We are interested in engaging with a student to help with our Community Food Solutions work, namely building backyard gardens and/or working on our veteran farm in Lacey. We’ve worked out criteria for safe engagement under COVID-19.
We have a COVID-19 protection plan that includes physical distancing, monitoring health, hygiene and sanitation, and face coverings. A student would need their own transportation to both of our farm sites and to garden build sites around Thurston County.
We’re seeking a team member (~2 days per week) to help with garden builds and gardener support in Fall 2020 (and spring 2021).
Students will learn basics of backyard garden building, and can also engage in remote support for the program through evaluation, outreach, partner communications, and remote trainings for gardeners

Our general orientation is that every person is learning and growing, and the focus on our programs is on education. In this context, a work study student would have goals, we would plan work accordingly, and we would provide regular reflection, coaching and mentoring.

Email student number or work study award info and resume to Ellen Short Sanchez at

Must have financial aid and be eligible for Evergreen work study and be WA state resident.