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You can be an active steward in your community

Streams come together to form bigger things. Hmmm…not a bad idea! Like the many streams flowing down out of the Coast Range, the Tillamook Estuaries Partnership and its business and volunteer partners come together from many industries and viewpoints to form something larger and more important than any one of us. We are all part of a thriving community, and with your support, we strive to keep it that way. We’ve still got work to do. And we would welcome your help.



Native Plant Nursery


Let’s grow together! Our Native Plant Nursery grows extremely specialized, locally adapted container plants which are used in coastal restoration projects from the Long Beach Peninsula all the way down to California. Our Tillamook-based nursery holds over 100K plants and relies on volunteer assistance to collect wild-growing cuttings in the winter, thin seedlings in the spring, and collect over 20 species of seed every summer and fall.  Let us know whether you’re interested in helping on field excursions, with nursery tasks, or both!  



Youth Education


For K-12 grade students in Tillamook County, TEP focuses our environmental education programs on two annual landmark learning events: the Children’s Clean Water Festival and Down by the Creekside. These programs are offered to 4th grade and 3rd grade level students, respectively. Dozens of volunteers and professionals share their skills and expertise to make these events happen. Interested in volunteering the rest of the year? Indicate your interest in becoming a Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics (STEAM) Coach.



Water Quality Monitoring


Help us monitor the health of our streams, rivers, and bays on one of our longest running monitoring projects. Volunteers collect bi–monthly bacteria samples in their own rivers and bays. The bacteria data is added to our water quality map and helps keep our communities informed.