Interpretive Naturalist Volunteer – Summer 2021

Cama Beach Historical State Park, Camano Island, WA 98282


The interpretive naturalist volunteer will serve with the education staff and volunteers at Cama Beach and Camano Island State Parks located on the shore of Saratoga Passage. The volunteer will assist in developing and maintaining educational initiatives in a fun, fast-paced environment. Many programs are targeted at children ages 4-12 but teens, adults, and seniors are often in the audience.

Due to COVID-19, most in-person presentations will not occur. However, the volunteer will assist in recording educational videos to share with schools and the public instead. Example videos are posted here. They will also help create self-guided educational kits like craft packs to offer to visitors.


– Reports to the Cama Beach Interpretive Specialist 2

– Ideal core service period is Thursday, June 24 through Sunday, August 29.

– We ask for a commitment of 10 weeks. This may be extended up to 13 weeks with mutual agreement of the Interpretive Specialist 2 and the volunteer.

– The normal schedule is Thursday through Monday (30 hours per week), though the schedule may vary depending on circumstances such as holidays.

– The volunteer can develop a capstone project if interested or is needed for a school requirement.

Per diem for meals and incidentals

• Cama Beach Foundation will provide per diem of $50 for meals and incidentals for each day of service.

• Lodging at Cama Beach Historical State Park will be provided for free by State Parks.


• Assist in the production of educational programs, whether that is through the creation of fun videos or socially distanced guided walks, Junior Ranger programs, and table talks.

• Create and present an informal table talk for visitors to learn about a chosen topic.

• Educate and inspire people of all ages and walks of life about forest and marine ecosystems.

• Set-up & take down the craft station daily and put together self-guided kits when supplies run low.

• Rove the trails and offer information and resources to visitors. Answer questions. Serve as a friendly contact.

• Assist park staff or the Cama Beach Foundation in projects, tasks, and events.

• Submit a volunteer timesheet and provide written feedback about your volunteer experience at the end of each month.


• Energetic, creative individual with high level of self-motivation. Good organizational skills. Excellent communication skills. Creativity and new ideas are encouraged!

• 2 years of college or equivalent practical experience.

• Helpful background and experience include work as an educator (formal or informal), as a nature interpreter or guide, or in video production.

• Ability to lift 40 lbs. Ability to hike over uneven terrain in all weather conditions.

• Knowledge of the flora and fauna of the Puget Sound region desired. (Or a willingness to learn!)

• Ability to serve cohesively as a member of the Cama Beach Historical State Park team.

• Ability to maintain composure if exposed to negative comments from the public.

• Must follow parks COVID-19 guidelines such as social distancing and wearing a mask daily.

• Must have a valid driver’s license.


Please send a one-page cover letter indicating interest in this position and a one-page resume including three references. Closing Date: Friday, March 12, 2021. Montana Napier 1880 S West Camano Drive Camano Island, WA 98282 (360) 387-3342 or (360) 913-0253