Rising Innovator, a site that provides resources for young entrepreneurs and their mentors, is eager to give back to the community. We are offering an annual scholarship award to students across the United States! The Rising Innovator scholarship will be open to any student who is enrolled in a college or university as a full-time student and valued at $500!

Our goal with this scholarship is to help a student with entrepreneurial aspirations.

If you are interested in getting $500 paid towards your 2022 college tuition, see below to see what you need to do.

How to apply

Any student interested in receiving the scholarship for 2022 tuition can enter by submitting a 1,000-word essay on the topic of “What does being an entrepreneur mean to you?” The winning essay will be published on Rising Innovator along with the student’s name and photo. As long as the essay remains on the topic, the style of the essay is open-ended: it can be an informative essay, a creative story, a narrative – any sort of written piece.

Essays will be judged on originality, creativity, content, writing sophistication, and relevance to the essay topic. The content must be original and sources must be cited.


The 2022 college scholarship is open to students who:

  • Are enrolled as a full-time undergraduate or graduate program at an accredited college or university in the United States for the Fall 2022 semester

Application requirements

The application must consist of the following:

  • Your 1,000-word essay;

  • A short biography about yourself, including your background, where you went to high school and your college and career goals;

Your complete application should be submitted below.

Scholarship deadline & winner announcement

The 2022 scholarship for college students will be open until March 11, 2022. The winner will be announced on April 14, 2022. The student will then have 5 days to accept the scholarship. The $500 check will be sent to the school of the winner.

Apply Here: https://www.risinginnovator.com/scholarship/