
What happens when something disappears?

Did it disappear because a stream took it away? Or because it was eaten? Perhaps it decomposed? Did a tree absorb it, or did it transmogrify?

Or are we finally learning that things don’t disappear, they change and perhaps enter into different relationships with their surroundings.

With Salish Magazine, we’re trying to give more attention to the relationships between things that we see in nature. And this issue showcases some special relationships: ones that form cycles.

This theme of cycles actually attracted some quite diverse content: articles, poetry, and artwork from all over the cycle spectrum.

In addition to this initial batch of 6 articles, we have several more exciting articles in the wings, to be released through the course of the Winter. These first ones include cycles related to vegetable gardens, swallows, stream bugs, forests, and even water. We have some articles, some poetry, and some artwork — a spectrum of representation to match the spectrum of cycle personalities.

Pacific Northwest artist Jeff Mihalyo attended Otis/Parsons in Los Angeles. His credentials include production artwork for the media, entertainment, education, and information design industries for over thirty years.

His paintings are inspired by an interest in history, travel and the plight of the contemporary human condition. He creates colorful surrealist compositions that utilize humor and drama in a multi-layered commentary of the present moment.

Mr. Mihalyo has exhibited internationally in Beijing, Berlin, Moscow, Santorini, and Wuppertal while his works are collected in London, Rennes, Santiago, and Tel Aviv. His West Coast representation has included Los Angeles, Portland, San Francisco and Seattle.

The artist’s works can be viewed at www.mihalyo.com