Application deadline is July 30, 2021. We anticipate the successful candidate will start the position in fall 2021 and ideally no later than January 2022.

See for more information and how to apply:

Job Description – Florida State University’s Coastal and Marine Laboratory (FSUCML) is seeking a postdoctoral scholar to conduct research on the social-ecological dynamics of coastal systems under the mentorship of Dr. Sarah Lester (Dept of Geography), Dr. Sandra Brooke (FSUCML), and Dr. Andrew Rassweiler (Dept of Biological Science). In particular, the postdoc will conduct research on the human dimensions of ecosystem services associated with the Apalachicola River and Bay ecosystems, as part of the Apalachicola Bay System Initiative (ABSI; The postdoc will have latitude to develop the research project in a direction aligned with their interests and expertise, but the broad goals of this position are to complement existing natural science research focused on understanding the functioning and restoration of the bay’s diverse habitats and to develop a more interdisciplinary understanding of ecosystem services (e.g., seafood provisioning, tourism, water purification, coastal protection, and biodiversity enhancement) in Apalachicola Bay. As one example, the postdoc’s research could focus on understanding the human value component of oyster reef ecosystem services in the Apalachicola Bay system, including the differences in value provided by wild oyster recovery versus oyster farming, by conducting community interviews and surveys and leveraging existing datasets.

This is a two year, full-time, fully funded position that includes health insurance and other benefits. There are also modest research and/or professional travel funds available.

How to Apply – Applications should be submitted at (job ID 49132) and should contain a cover letter, curriculum vita, a two-page narrative describing research experience and interests, and names for three references.