Job Type: Student / postdoc
Salary Details: Commensurate with experience


Applications are currently being solicited for a post-doctoral research associate in the area of mathematical and computational modeling of epidemiological risk in wildlife trade networks in the Fefferman Lab at the University of Tennessee at Knoxville. 

The work will involve modeling, focusing on network and game theoretic models. An ideal candidate would have some experience in computational simulation, mathematical models of infectious disease epidemiology, and network theory, and be fluent in a computational programming language such as Matlab, R, or Python. A candidate should be comfortable with a variety of modeling techniques and willing to learn new areas of modeling application in collaboration with interdisciplinary research teams.

The researcher will be expected to help formulate models, code simulations, analyze results, take a primary role in preparing manuscripts for publication, contribute to a collaborative research group environment, and participate in preparation of new grant proposals.


  • A Ph.D. in some pertinent field. Such fields could include, but are not limited to applied mathematics, animal behavior, ecology, physics, engineering, epidemiology, or sociology.
  • Some research experience in applied mathematical/computational modeling
  • The ability to write clearly and scientifically (e.g. to produce drafts of papers for publication in scientific journals and web-based public outreach without too much oversight); evidence of successful prior publication is a plus
  • Ability to work/communicate with a multidisciplinary team
  • Fluency in a mathematical programming environment (preferably Matlab, but Mathematica, C, R, Python, or equivalent are also acceptable)
  • It is desirable, but not required, for a candidate to be familiar with game theoretic and network theoretic models

The lab is affiliated with the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, the Department of Mathematics, the UT One Health Initiative, and NIMBioS and the candidate will be welcome to participate in any/all of these communities.


This is a full-time, one year position, with the potential for renewal if things work out well. So long as mutually set benchmarks for progress are met, this can be a fully remote position. To apply, send email to Nina H. Fefferman at containing a cover letter explaining your fit and interest in the position and a CV. Applications will be reviewed as they arrive.