About the position

A 100% position as a PhD candidate in applied ecology is available at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Applied Ecology and Agricultural Sciences at Campus Evenstad from 01.01.2021 through 31.12.2023.

The PhD candidate will focus on the influences of habitat and landscape parameters on pine martens (Martes martes).  This project aims to use available data collected through different Scandinavian research projects to examine factors that influence European pine marten abundance and movements along a gradient from areas dominated by extensive non-forested areas with high anthropogenic influence to larger tracts of relatively undisturbed forest in Norway and Sweden. The successful applicant will analyze available data collected from the SCANDCAM project (www.viltkamera.nina.no), an earlier telemetry study, snow-tracking and DNA hair traps to address study questions. The student will also collect data from camera traps in our Evenstad study area to evaluate the efficacy of this method for estimating population abundance compared to DNA hair sampling using mark-recapture analysis. We recently received funding for a GPS-telemetry study here at Evenstad, and data collected on our study animals may also be available.

The candidate may develop research questions within this project frame, depending on personal interest. The work can be based on readily available data, but for some questions field work may be required. The PhD-student is expected to assist in advising MSc, BSc and practice students, assist in teaching, and to be an active member of the Small Game Research group at Campus Evenstad. The candidate will be part of two collaborative research groups; the Generalist Predator Research Group (INN and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences) and SCANDCAM (see http://viltkamera.nina.no).

The candidate will be supervised by associate professor Scott Brainerd at INN. Co-supervisors will be Professor Morten Odden and associate professor Vladimir Naumov (Campus Evenstad, Norway). Collaborators include Dr. John Odden and Dr. John Linnell, Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA), Dr. Tim Hofmeester and Dr. Jens Persson, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.  The candidate will develop the PhD plan together with the advisors once the position has been filled.

It is assumed that the preferred candidate will be enrolled in our PhD programme in Applied Ecology and Biotechnology, with workplace at campus Evenstad.

Question, please contact:

Head of the institute Nils Kvilvang, nils.kvilvang@inn.no or the main supervisor Scott Brainerd, scott.brainerd@inn.no


A master’s degree in ecology or equivalent field of study, with a “B” average or better, is required to be qualified for admission to the PhD program. International applicants need to show that their grade point average is equivalent to a ”B” or better in the Norwegian system.

The candidate should have strong quantitative and data management skills and be proficient in the use of GIS and R statistical software.  We prefer candidates with practical field experience and education in the realm of wildlife biology/ecology/conservation. We will also give weight to candidates with experience studying pine martens or closely related species. In addition, we will give preference to candidates with a record of scientific publication. English language proficiency, written and oral, is required.

We are searching for reliable candidates who can work independently, but who will also function well in our team. Candidates will be evaluated based on education, experience, publishing, personal traits, motivation and the criteria set forth in this announcement.

We expect the candidate to be passionate about doing research, and that the candidate is willing to develop the skills to communicate this passion with other scientists and the general public. The candidate should welcome the opportunity to conduct research abroad and work within a multidisciplinary team. We are searching for reliable candidates who can work independently, but who will also function well in our large team. We emphasize personal qualifications when appointing personnel to the faculty.

The evaluation of candidates will consider education, experience, publishing, personal traits, motivation and the qualifications required and desired in the announcement.

How to apply

Apply herehttps://www.jobbnorge.no/en/available-jobs/job/193007/phd-position-in-applied-ecology

The application and attachments must be submitted electronically and include the following:

Application cover letter

  • Resume or CV (summary of education and experience)
  • Copies of academic certificates/transcripts
  • List of minimum 3 references with full contact information
  • A complete list of scientific publications

Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences aims to achieve a balanced gender composition in the workforce and to recruit people with ethnic minority backgrounds.

According to the Norwegian Law “Offentlighetsloven §25.2 ledd”, information about the applicant can be published even if the applicant has requested not to be included in the public list of applicants.