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Salary- $2,864.00 – $3,701.00 Monthly

Performs Smolt Trapping. Tasks include:   

  • Assists with the installation/removal, operation and maintenance of fence and permanent weirs on Stavis, Seabeck, Little Anderson and Big Beef Creeks.
  • Check traps on a daily basis, recording mark and tag status, enumerating and sub sampling catch for fork length and weight as assigned by supervisor.
  • The employee is responsible for maintaining trap integrity during high flow and making repairs if damage occurs due to weather, flows, debris or vandalism. At the end of season, employee assists with trap removal and storage.
  • Daily trap check information (date, time, catch by species, individual fork lengths, weights, and notes) will be recorded on trap check forms and entered into project database.
  • All data will be entered, error checked and turned into supervisor by projects end date.
  • Organize and maintain all sampling equipment and trap check forms.

Conducts Coded Wire Tagging (CWT). Tasks include: 

  • Will work with supervisors to apply CWT’s to coho smolts captured in the Big Beef Creek weir.
  • Will be responsible for making sure fish are tagged using the appropriate fish handling and tagging techniques.
  • Responsibilities include tagging, enumerating by tag code and recording data on provided tagging forms.
  • All data will be entered into project database and error checked before being turned into supervisor at the projects end date.
  • Tagging machine will be properly cleaned and maintained through trapping season.