Job Type: Temporary
Salary Details: $17.49-$19.51/hour
Deadline: Oct 24, 2021
Required Experience: 0 – 1 years

See full details at

Camp Waskowitz in North Bend is hiring an additional Residential Outdoor Educator 1.  This is a grant funded, term-limited position, set to end August 31, 2022.

SUMMARY: This Residential Outdoor Educator will provide supervision and support for all Waskowitz programs including, but not limited to, Outdoor School, Living History, Reconnecting Ourselves Outdoors to Succeed (ROOTS), Challenge Facilitation, Waskowitz Environmental Leadership & Service (WELS) and Summer Camps. Responsibilities include dining hall supervision, trail and hiking logistics, maintaining records, developing curriculum, promoting growth and development of students, and monitoring the student’s safety and well-being while in the district’s care. The Outdoor Educator will be assigned a focus area during outdoor school: Science/Environmental Education Curriculum and Instruction or High School Leadership and Instruction. Both focus areas require the outdoor educator to reside on campus while students are on site. The OE assigned to HS Leadership and Instruction resides in the dormitories during overnight programs.


Job description and instructions on how to apply can be found here: