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Salary- DOE

The Minnesota Forest Resources Council (MFRC) and University of Minnesota Department of Forest Resources are seeking to fill a Researcher 4 position to assist with logistical support, administrative duties, and data analysis on projects related to forest management guidelines and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources’ Guideline Monitoring Program. The individual with develop new projects related to Minnesota’s Forest Management Guidelines through consultation with MFRC staff, forestry researchers, and representatives from natural resources management agencies. The individual will provide content expertise in site-level guidelines and best management practices and will advise MFRC on potential changes and updates to its Forest Management Guidelines to align with current scientific knowledge and future advances.

The position consists of the following tasks:
• (50%) Collect feedback from forestry researchers and stakeholders in natural resources disciplines to identify needs and deficiencies in current research sources that pertain to improving and updating Minnesota’s Forest Management Guidelines. Independently research, synthesize and establish a bibliography of research citations of recent research relevant to Minnesota’s forest management guidelines for consideration by the MFRC Site-Level Committee.
• (25%) Writing literature reviews that summarize state of the knowledge on various natural resource topics in Minnesota. Advising stakeholders and representatives from natural resources management agencies on current scientific advances related to Minnesota’s Forest Management Guidelines.
• (25%) Administrative duties that assist MFRC Staff in the development of agendas and summaries of meetings for the MFRC’s Site-Level and Research Advisory Committees.