The UW Climate Impacts Group is hiring a new, full-time Research Scientist with a focus on ecosystems and invasive species. To see the full job description, visit the UW Hires website.

The Research Scientist will support co-produced research and synthesis projects led by the Climate Impacts Group’s senior scientists and work with the U.S. Geological Survey Northwest Climate Adaptation Science Center to coordinate the Northwest Regional Invasive Species and Climate Change Network. Focus areas of research and science synthesis will include climate impacts as they relate to species and ecosystems, invasive species, ecological disturbances, and landscape conservation.

We envision this position will: 1) synthesize scientific literature on climate impacts and adaptation relevant for the management of species and ecosystems in the Northwest; 2) coordinate the Northwest Regional Invasive Species and Climate Change Network; and 3) lead stakeholder engagement and coordinate multi-institution projects; and 4) develop climate science reports and associated communications materials for diverse audiences, including resource managers and policy makers. 

We are seeking a candidate with a background in natural resources and experience with climate adaptation, who is passionate about partner engagement and our co-production model as our research and synthesis products are co-produced with federal, tribal, state, and local partners. While educational attainment is valued, we also encourage applications from practitioners who have worked in government, non-profits, or other organizations who can bring practical experience with climate adaptation in the natural resource sector.

The expected salary range for this position is $6,000 to $7,300 per month depending on experience. Position is located in Seattle, remote from the Northwest is possible.  

We will start reviewing applications for this position on November 8. To learn more and apply, please visit the UW Hires website.

Questions and answers about this position:

We will post answers to questions we receive about this position on this webpage to ensure transparency and equity in our hiring process. Please check back occasionally for more information.