Title: Incident Response Camp Solid Waste Management and Recycling Program

Classification: Environmental & Sustainability

Agency: Human Eco Consulting LLC Client: U.S. Forest Service

Website: www.human-eco.com

Visit our website to learn about the fires we responded to in 2020!

Job Description: Human Eco has been awarded a three – year federal contract with the U.S Forest Service setting up recycling programs for fire incident response camps in the Pacific Northwest. This job will be working within a team of energetic motivated individuals to implement and monitor recycling efforts for firefighters and incident command at wildland fire base/spike camps.

The goal of the recycling program is to achieve a minimum 40% diversion rate through collection and hauling of materials such as paper, cardboard, plastic bottles, aluminum and pallets. The team will be responsible for sorting out recyclables from the waste stream, self- hauling those recyclables, and gathering rebates for materials sold. Additionally, a large component to achieving 40% diversion is engagement from firefighters on sorting wastes. Education and training are integral to this program and can be a rewarding but challenging task for Human Eco team members.

Employees will be in direct quarters with fire fighters learning and observing the logistics to fire camp management. Those seeking experience in waste management and logistics may have the opportunity to work within a logistics team to develop and implement recycling plans and education. Past employees have found this job to be a good fit when seeking a seasonal, on-call position that allows them the flexibility take on other part time positions or travel whilst having the option to go to fires on their own accord.

NOTE: When called to deploy, you must be able to respond to Human Eco team lead with availability within 2-3 hours and arrive at the scene of the incident within 36 hours. This is an on-call/seasonal job only, no set hours or guaranteed work. You do not have to say yes to a fire call and it won’t be held against you if you decline.

Job Duties:

• Collecting and sorting bags of waste/recyclables from the fire line

• Emptying and sorting camp receptacles

• Training fire fighters on proper sorting and distributing recycling bags to firefighters during morning briefings

• Researching local recyclers and hauling options for self transporting recyclables

• Engaging a variety of facility and fire camp personnel on proper waste sorting and handling

• Daily reporting and metrics collection for diversion data analysis

How to Succeed in this Role

• Dedicate yourself to accomplishing daily tasks to the best of your ability

    ◦ Take ownership of your work and successes/shortcomings

    ◦ Effectively prioritize tasks based on incident response needs

    ◦ Maintain clear and consistent communication with teammates and manager

    ◦ Manage your time responsibly throughout the day or project, including time for yourself ◦ Be open to giving and receiving feedback

• Work with diligence and professionalism

    ◦ Work in a consistent but prompt manner, this is a marathon not a sprint. Consider the best way to complete a task without burning out

    ◦ Act appropriately and professionally, especially when interacting with fire camp personnel or anyone not within your immediate team

• Understand your needs and those of your teammates

    ◦ Understand your own limits and develop strategies to stay mentally and physically healthy for up to two weeks of strenuous work

    ◦ Be willing to communicate your own needs to teammates or supervisors and modify workflow accordingly

    ◦ Allocate time every day to mental and physical self care, and maintain your personal hygiene

    ◦ Be understanding of teammates’ differences and maintain an open line of communication with each other

General Skills and Experiences

• Team player working with, not against people, a desire for everyone to win

• Clear and professional communication with team and supervisors

• Understanding of waste streams and waste management processes

• Flexible schedule and attitude, able to deal with unexpected situations

• Customer service minded, helping us to provide our service with grace

• Able to be physically active for long periods of time

• Self motivated in daily tasks

• Takes initiative within different aspects of the job • Must be able to lift 40+lbs

• Must be able to stand and walk for most of the day

• Must be in good health and able to withstand long hours outdoors in unpredictable temperatures (some days it can be hot, some days it can snow or rain)

• Must have your own health insurance

• Must have your own transportation to the site with a valid drivers license and insurance. Various travel arrangements can be made depending on camp location and team size.

• Must have a current tetanus shot

Location: Filling roles in various regions (Washington, Oregon, and Northern California).

Salary: $200-$350 per day at camp, depending on size of camp and position. Camps can last anywhere from 8 to 20 days, with most trending towards 8-11 consecutive days. Maximum 2 week consecutive workload.

Hours: On average 12-hour days with mid-day flex time.

Lodging: Housing is primitive, as our team camps in the same area as the firefighters and other camp staff. There are bathrooms, showers, and running water available. These campsites are within 5 minutes of where we will be working. Three meals per day are provided once on site.

Start date: July 1– TBD (for students, once school is back in session. For non- students, it’ll be through season’s end.) Most of the work will be July-October.

Application deadline: March 10th, 2021

Application content: Please submit the following if interested in this position in PDF format:

1. Resume

2. Answer the following question: What does Zero Waste mean to you?

Point of contact: Remy Nguyen

Contact e-mail: remy@humanecoconsulting.com *please send all application information to this email or apply through the server