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The Department of Urban and Rural Development

The Department of Urban and Rural Development at SLU has a strong social science research environment comprised of four research subjects: Rural Development, Environmental Communication, Landscape Architecture, and Agrarian History. We are now seeking to recruit a professor in Rural Development in the Global South.

The professor will be based in the Division of Rural Development, which engages in research, teaching and cooperation in the Global North and South. The location of the professor implies access to an attractive a research environment with a unique breadth and hence the possibilities for multi- and transdisciplinary collaborations with research groups within both social sciences, natural sciences and technological sciences.

The department teaches mainly in two educational programmes at the Faculty, the Bachelor’s programme in Rural Development (samhällsutveckling – landsbygd) and the Master’s programme Rural Development and Natural Resource Management, which together make up a five-year education in Agriculture.

The department’s research has an interdisciplinary social science focus oriented around two overarching themes: “Rural transformations” and “The politics of the environment”. Researchers in   our division work on a wide range of topics including natural resource management, agrarian change, food systems, climate change, rural societies and livelihoods, gender studies, rural-urban linkages, and migration. Our work draws on a variety of analytical traditions including political ecology, environmental justice, science and technology studies, and other critical social science perspectives. Our research is committed to robust critical analysis of existing processes of rural development and their effects, but also adopts a forward- looking outlook for identifying strategies for more just and sustainable futures.

Subject area

The subject area of the position is in Rural Development in the Global South, with an emphasis on contemporary studies of socio- economic, cultural, and political aspects of questions related to rural production systems, agrarian change, and natural resource governance. This subject area is concerned with changes that are taking place at local, national, and global levels, with attention to how different dimensions of power influence these processes.


The candidate is expected to further strengthen and develop research and education at the Division for Rural Development. This implies a commitment and an ability to build a productive research environment over time. The following duties are included:

  • Develop and lead an internationally strong research environment within the subject area, through competitive research grant applications and publications in leading internationally peer reviewed journals
  • Actively seek external research funding from both national and international sources
  • Contribute to the development of the educational programmes at the division and participate in teaching at undergraduate and graduate levels
  • Actively participate in PhD training and the supervising of PhD students
  • Collaborate with other research groups within the Department, the Faculty, and at SLU
  • Contribute to the development of interdisciplinary research within the faculty and within SLU
  • Contribute to the development of the social sciences/humanities at SLU
  • Collaborate with actors outside SLU in order to develop research collaborations, inform policy processes, and participate in the communication of research to society.

The department has a bilingual working environment. The professor will be able to conduct most academic tasks in English. However, since Swedish is the official working language of the university, the candidate is expected to gain a functional level of Swedish or a Scandinavian language within four years from taking up the position. The department is committed to providing support for the candidate to achieve this objective.


The successful candidate will:

  • have a PhD and competence of at least Associate Professor or equivalent
  • be a scholar of distinction within the subject area of this positions and have a publication record in leading international journals within their area of study have demonstrated a proven ability to lead and develop an outstanding research group
  • have demonstrated ability to attract external research funding in competition
  • have demonstrated strong teaching skills
  • have ability to integrate research and scientific perspectives in teaching
  • have good ability to communicate in written and spoken English.