Job Type: Permanent
Salary Details: TBD

The objective of the position Is Coordinate and execute the Mangrove Finch Conservation Project, which includes collaborating with the Galapagos National Park Directorate and collaborating with scientists and expert advisors to undertake management and research actions for effectively conserving the critically Endangered mangrove finch. 


  • Conducting successful field conservation management and research activities within the seasonal calendar to maximize the outcomes of the field campaigns that are reflected in the results of the conservation actions.
  • Coordination of administrative-related processes to ensure the adequate execution of the project.
  • Strengthening the communication of project results in varied formats, including but not limited to peer-reviewed papers published in high-impact journals.
  • Support the financial stability of the Project by preparing, submitting, and negotiating concepts and research proposals to be presented to potential donors and actively searching for funding sources.
  • Promotion and consolidation of interinstitutional relationships and strengthening networking strategies to enhance collaborative initiatives.
  • Coaching and mentoring early career professionals, thesis students, and volunteers participating in research activities within the project.
  • Conservation Management and Research execution (field and office work):
  • Coordinate and implement priority conservation management and research actions to recover the mangrove finch, which is guided by a management plan that is updated annually.
  • Monitor the mangrove finch population and its health
  • Work with GNPD and CDF to develop and trial improved techniques to effectively control invasive species – including Philornis downsi, rats, and feral cats.
  • Carry out field data collection.
  • Ensure the safe storage, management, and analysis of project data and equipment.
  • Prepare, every year, a report of the current research period for the GNPD, which should include all the required documentation (fieldwork report, samples report, data sets, images, photos, etc.).
  • Prepare a research proposal for renewing the research permit emitted by the GNPD every year.
  • Prepare the Operative Annual Plan every year.
  • Prepare donor reports as needed.
  • Carry out financial accounting of the funding allocated to the mangrove finch conservation initiative.
  • Take part in meetings with science and support staff.

Communications of results:

  • Prepare and submit scientific manuscripts presenting the results of the research activities conducted for the mangrove finch conservation initiative in English and Spanish.
  • Prepare communication materials to share the information gathered about the project’s varied activities (reports, articles, material for web page and social media, etc.).
  • Give regular presentations about the Mangrove Finch Conservation Project at the local, national, and international levels.


  • Help ensure the financial stability of the Mangrove Finch Conservation Project by working with the CDF fundraising team to prepare and submit proposals to donors, grant agencies, philanthropy representatives, etc.
  • Meet with and give presentations to potential donors.

Interinstitutional relationships and networking:

  • Ensure regular communication with GNPD.
  • Create/consolidate a mangrove finch international working group, which includes an
    evaluation of research and management plans on an annual basis and actions identified to ensure that priority actions are undertaken promptly.
  • Hold regular meetings with collaborators and keep collaborators updated about the status of the project.

Coaching and mentoring:

  • Supervise junior team members, field and research assistants, volunteers, and thesis students.
  • Coach and mentor early career professionals and park rangers to enhance their skills and development in endangered species conservation management

Required profile

  • Ph.D. in conservation management
  • Minimum five years of experience in bird conservation
  • Experience in wildlife conservation management actions and bird handling (Passeriformes preferred)
  • Experience in invasive species management
  • Experience in planning and carrying out long field trips to remote places
  • Experience in leading field teams composed of junior researchers, assistants, and students
  • Experience in fundraising with proven successful outcomes of grant applications
  • Languages: Fluent in Spanish and English
  • Experienced in bird surveying, mist netting, ringing birds, collecting blood samples, managing invasive species, and climbing trees.
  • Knowledge of the use of databases and GIS, long dataset analysis

Those interested in this position should send the following documents (in a single PDF file) via
email to 

  • Curriculum vitae updated.
  • Letter of interest describing your skills by the requirements for this position.
  • Three professional letters of recommendation, including the names and email addresses of the references.
    If you need additional information, please get in touch with the email mentioned above.