For more information, please follow this link:–civic-engagement-manager-seattle-washington/75583621?utm_source=ongage&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=regular

Salary- $58000-63000


Candidate recruitment and cultivation, as well as the Evergreen Future program are direct projects that this position will lead. Understanding political campaigns, driving engagement, building and strengthening relationships with partners in local communities, including communities of color will be key in this role. Duties include but are not limited to the following:

Candidate Recruitment & Cultivation Program

  • Research, identify, and recruit potential candidates within our extensive advocacy network
  • Identify races of interest and political opportunity where WCV’s candidate recruitment program will be successful and beneficial to our political landscape and the local community
  • 1-1 meetings to cultivate potential candidates
  • Train internal staff and partners on what to look for in potential candidates
  • Manage, build out, and increase our internal tracking system
  • Recruit and assist candidates to run in a focused and limited number of races
  • Ensure WCV/WEC is seen as a reliable and trusted resource for both political and policy expertise through trainings and skill offers

Civic Engagement Program

  • Develop a “Civic Engagement” narrative with our communications team that is accessible to all Washingtonians, educates our members, and inspires them to participate in the democratic process.
  • Conduct research and experiments to determine the best Get Out the Vote (GOTV) methods for Washington state and ways to increase voter participation with an emphasis on the New American Majority (People of Color, Unmarried Women, and Young voting eligible Americans).
  • Present and share internally and externally on our civic engagement, voting rights, and democracy work and build a robust narrative of why this work is important for the environmental movement