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Salary- $65,000-75,000

Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Develop and implement annual and long-range plans to achieve personal and organizational fundraising goals.
  • Help clarify the Trust’s needs and build its fundraising capacity.
  • Develop a clear and compelling written case for support.
  • Identify and manage the resources needed to carry out the fundraising plan.
  • Develop, manage and track fundraising department budget.
  • Manage annual giving, major and planned giving and capital and other campaigns.
  • Work with staff, board and volunteers to implement the fundraising plan.
  • Identify, cultivate, engage, and solicit prospective donors.
  • Create strategies and orchestrate approaches to current and future individual, business partner and foundation supporters/funders.
  • Oversee and manage all donor stewardship activities including donor correspondence.
  • Research and write private foundation grant proposals and reports; develop and maintain relationships with program officers.
  • Track and report all gifts and pledges by source and purpose. Supervise and coordinate activities of staff engaged in maintaining donor database and paper and electronic records of contributors and grants; maintain security and quality controls; generate queries, reports, exports and any other collection data as needed. Manage related vendors.
  • Oversee and manage fundraising events (business breakfast produced internally; spring gala led by hired consultant).
  • Oversee and manage donor cultivation events and property tours.
  • Establish needed development policies and procedures
  • Train and motivate staff, volunteers, and board members to support fundraising efforts.
  • Support the Executive Director and select board members on meetings with donors and potential donors. Includes preparation of materials and logistics.