The Pacific Birds Habitat Joint Venture (Pacific Birds) is seeking qualified candidates for the U.S. Coordinator position.

Migratory Bird Joint Ventures are cooperative, regional partnerships that work to conserve habitat for the benefit of North America’s birds, other wildlife, and people.  Migratory Bird Joint Ventures are governed by a management board comprised of volunteer representatives from public agencies, environmental organizations, business groups, and landowners.  Pacific Birds is one of twenty-two habitat-based Migratory Bird Joint Ventures, each addressing bird habitat conservation issues within their geographic area.  Pacific Birds is an international partnership with a Management Board consisting of the U.S. Steering Committee and the Canada Steering Committee, each with its own Coordinator. Pacific Birds coordinates strategic habitat conservation for the benefit of migratory birds, fish, other wildlife, and people in accordance with its mission and strategic plans/programs. For more information on Pacific Birds, please visit our website at

The U.S. Coordinator forges working partnerships with conservation professionals and advocates, provides leadership to develop and implement Pacific Birds’ priorities and policies, supervises other Pacific Birds’ U.S. based staff, and implements the business of Pacific Birds.  The Coordinator reports to the U.S. Steering Committee who provides strategic guidance and oversight.

Key Areas of Emphasis for the U.S. Coordinator:

1)   Governance:  Works and effectively communicates with the U.S. Steering Committee, Canada Coordinator, and International Management Board to fulfill the mission of Pacific Birds.

2)   Financial/Budget Oversight:  Responsible for fiscal management and oversight to run operations within the approved budget, ensures maximum resource utilization, and maintenance of a positive financial position. Maintain relationships with one or more fiscal agents that support Pacific Birds operations.

3)   Organization Vision and Mission:  Work with U.S. Steering Committee and Pacific Birds staff to implement a clear and compelling conservation vision to partners. Works to ensure that the mission is fulfilled through strategic planning, program delivery, partner outreach and coordination, measuring success, and reporting.

4)   Organization Operations:  Oversees and implements appropriate resources to ensure that the operations of Pacific Birds are appropriate. Responsible for the supervision, work assignment, and performance evaluation of staff located over a large geography.

5)   Partnerships: Build strong bird habitat conservation partnerships within Pacific Birds’ geography by nurturing existing relationships, as well as cultivating new, innovative and invigorating partnerships.

The position will be administered as an employee or contractor of Pacific Birds’ fiscal agent Ducks Unlimited, Inc., subject to negotiation and annual renewal per the U.S. Steering Committee. Position location is negotiable, but strong preference to be near a regional airport in Oregon or Washington. Routine and extensive travel is expected. Competitive compensation is based on experience and qualifications, but commensurate with that of other U.S. Joint Venture Coordinators.

Position open until filled. Desired start date on or before January 2, 2021. To view the full position description go to For more information or to apply, complete the application at, or contact Jeff McCreary, Pacific Birds U.S. Steering Committee Chair, at (916) 847-9955, or


It is the policy of Ducks Unlimited, Inc. to afford equal employment opportunity to all qualified persons regardless of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, military status, disability, age, or genetic information except where age or gender is a bona fide occupational qualification as allowed by the Civil Rights Act of 1964.


Position open until filled. Desired start date on or before January 2, 2021. To view the full position description go to For more information or to apply, complete the application at, or contact Jeff McCreary, Pacific Birds U.S. Steering Committee Chair, at (916) 847-9955, or