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Salary- $3,750/month/Basic housing

After a 2-year hiatus, Opal Creek Outdoor School is
back with new equity-centered curriculum and
teaching locations. As outdoor school coordinator,
your role is integral to the re-launch of outdoor
school: you’ll implement a day outdoor school
program this spring, and design and build an
overnight outdoor school program for fall. This
seasonal position could transition to a year-round
permanent position with a successful outreach and
enrollment campaign for fall 2022 outdoor school.
This spring and fall, you coordinate and teach
outdoor school in local Oregon parks using student-
and nature-centered curricula developed with the
guidance of the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde
and our team’s equity consultants. Throughout the
course of a multi-day program, you’ll guide 5th and
6th grade students in building their relationship with
the natural world and each other.
This summer, you’ll apply the lessons from spring to
develop fall overnight programming. You’ll outreach
to long-time and new schools/districts to secure
enrollment, coordinate all pre-trip logistics with
visiting teachers, and revise the curriculum for an
overnight setting.