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Salary- $3,653.00

This position is responsible for managing an instructional organic farm, including coordinating and overseeing all daily operations of the Evergreen Organic Farm (Farm) and its associated spaces and structures, with the overall goal of supporting the farm-based curriculum. This position consults with faculty who are responsible for developing and implementing the curriculum; supervises and directs the work of Farm employees; oversees crop and livestock production and direct marketing, such as Farm Stand operations and CSAs; manages the Farm plan and yearly budgets ; monitors plant, animal, and soil health and addresses pest, disease, and nutrient issues; and maintains the Farm infrastructure (materials, supplies, greenhouses, equipment, irrigation, etc.) and the Farm grounds.

Farm Operations and Instructional Support (50%)
    • To meet curricular learning and hands-on student learning goals, create plans for farm production, fertility management, organic systems, greenhouse seeding, and crop rotation in consultation with faculty and Farm employees; guide and direct students and Farm employees to implement these plans.
    • Oversee the care of plants and animals by performing and assigning tasks, such as weeding, irrigating, fertilizing, feeding, cleaning, and general care.
    • Monitor health of plants and animals, determine appropriate treatments for any issues, and oversee treatments to resolve issues.
    • Meet regularly with faculty to discuss learning opportunities and explore how farm resources can support and enhance diverse curricula; create support structures within available resources (staffing, space, equipment, and budget).
    • Support and coordinate all curricular and research projects on Farm property.
    • Assign Farm employees to activities and demonstrations in support of programs and individual students.
    • Provide instruction on a wide variety of farming techniques and use of farm equipment, supplies, and materials.
    • Coordinate the activities of students, faculty, and employees in cleaning Farm facilities and field equipment following laboratory or fieldwork.
    • Problem-solve with faculty and others as necessary to ensure high-quality educational outcomes.
    • Monitor Farm facilities to ensure they are in functional and safe condition and, with the support and guidance of the Science Operations Manager, arrange for repairs and improvements as needed.
    • May serve as subcontractor for Individual Learning Contracts or internships with prior supervisor approval.
Administration (25%)
  • Project biennial budgets, revenues, and expenses in accordance with college and state policies and procedures.
  • Develop, request, and monitor yearly operating and student employee budget allocations.
  • Provide organization and oversight of the Farm facilities, equipment, and supplies.
  • Evaluate equipment needs and specifications, submit requests for desired funding, and make purchase recommendations.
  • Manage or oversee records associated with budget, organic certification, CSA, Farm Stand, capital requests, inventory, staffing, etc.
  • Participate in professional development activities to update and expand the skills and knowledge needed to provide relevant professional guidance and instruction to students, faculty, and employees.
  • Recommend capital initiatives to be funded.
  • Act as liaison and Farm spokesperson to the outside community (public, private, corporate, etc.) to promote relationships beneficial to the college.
Supervision (10%)
  • Supervise Farm employees, including hiring, managing, assigning, scheduling, training, evaluating, and addressing performance issues.
  • Assess and assign Farm employee responsibilities as required to meet needs of the academic programs and the Farm.
Safety (5%)
  • In consultation with Environmental Health and Safety staff, Science Operations Manager, faculty, Farm employees, and other experts, design, implement, and monitor effective safety procedures and practices at the Farm.
  • Train students, employees, and faculty in current safety procedures.
  • Monitor potential risks and hazards to ensure a safe educational environment.
  • Obtain relevant and/or required safety training and maintain related records.
Space Planning and Management (5%)
  • Coordinate educational, research, and community farm use requests.
  • Participate in institutional discussions on Farm vision and space needs.