PLEASE READ: A cover letter, writing sample and responses to the application questionnaire are required for a complete application packet. In addition to your cover letter, please provide a technical writing sample such as a scientific article, report, proposal, or project summary. The writing sample can be included as a link in your cover letter or pasted into your cover letter document if a link is not available.

Apply Here:


California Sea Grant (CSG) ( is a unique partnership that unites the resources of the federal government, the State of California and universities to provide integrated research, extension, outreach, and education aimed at helping Californians balance diverse coastal and marine interests and adapt to changing conditions and needs. CSG is administered by the University of California, San Diego, but the position is based at an off-campus salmon and steelhead research station in Windsor, CA (Sonoma County).

The Monitoring Program Manager will oversee the daily operations and activities of California Sea Grant’s Russian River Salmon and Steelhead Monitoring Program (RRSSMP). For over 15 years, the RRSSMP has conducted monitoring and research on tributaries to the Russian River in support of salmon and steelhead recovery efforts. Current field projects include redd and snorkel surveys, operation of PIT-tag detection systems, electrofishing, downstream migrant trapping, wet/dry mapping, and operation of water quality loggers. Resulting data is summarized and used to inform a coho salmon conservation hatchery program, support implementation of the California Coastal Monitoring Program, identify bottlenecks to salmonid recovery, and prioritize and evaluate habitat and streamflow enhancement projects.

The Monitoring Program Manager will provide high-level coordination of multiple fish monitoring and research projects conducted by approximately 10 CSG staff, two AmeriCorps members, and other partners including interns, fellows, students, partnering agency staff, and volunteers. Responsibilities include organizing and facilitating meetings, supervising staff, mentoring AmeriCorps members and interns, scheduling, facilitating training and professional development opportunities, ensuring program compliance with safety standards, and providing constructive feedback to improve program performance. The person in this position will also assume responsibility for managing the off-campus office/warehouse facility, conducting purchases and/or leases of vehicles and other equipment, developing/maintaining inventories, and troubleshooting issues if they arise.

The Monitoring Program Manager will assist the Monitoring Program Director with contract management, budget and operational planning, hiring of staff, and preparation of grant proposals. The incumbent will prepare data summaries and facilitate contract reporting, including setting schedules and deadlines, preparing report content, reviewing and providing feedback on content that others have contributed, conducting final editorial reviews, and ensuring that reports are submitted on time. The incumbent will also maintain and renew federal, state, and university research permits and complete permit-related reporting requirements.

The Monitoring Program Manager will publicly represent the RRSSMP and assist with the program’s goal of disseminating results to stakeholders working to recover salmon and steelhead populations in coastal California. To this end, the incumbent will communicate with a diversity of program partners, including resource agencies, non-profit organizations, academia, administrators, and private landowners. Specific responsibilities include requesting access from streamside landowners, responding to data requests, preparing and delivering presentations, participating in technical advisory committee meetings, and general collaboration on shared projects.

  • Must be able to work non-standard work hours to fulfill job requirements, including some weekends and holidays.

  • Occasional field work in inclement weather conditions around swift water and uneven terrain.

  • Occasional out-of-town travel is required, mostly within the state of California.


  • Advanced degree in biological science or related area and/or equivalent experience/training.

  • Experience and skills in day-to-day and seasonal coordination of multiple concurrent field projects conducted by team members with varying skill levels (e.g., biologists, field technicians, students, volunteers, etc.).

  • Demonstrated supervisory skills and experience with hiring, performance evaluations, salary actions, and terminations.

  • Experience managing contracts, preparing budgets, and writing grant proposals.

  • Strong skills in organization, interpersonal communication, motivation of staff and team-building.

  • Ability to troubleshoot problems and adaptively manage/organize under dynamic conditions (e.g., changing weather, changes in staff availability, environmental hazards, fluctuations in funding).

  • Experience with fish and environmental research/monitoring methodologies and analysis. Preference will be given to those experienced with stream salmonid techniques.

  • Proficiency with Microsoft Word and Excel is required; proficiency with Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, and Microsoft Access is preferred.

  • Understanding of relational databases and querying data.

  • Experience preparing reports and protocols related to fish and environmental monitoring and research.

  • Experience presenting scientific information to professional and public audiences.

  • Ability to develop and maintain strategic relationships and partnerships with resource agencies, non-profit organizations, and universities.

  • Ability to interact comfortably and professionally with biologists, students/interns, resource managers, private landowners, environmental organizations, academics, administrators, businesses, the public, and other stakeholders.

  • Experience with office/facility management and implementation of safety policies and procedures in office and field environments.

  • Experience applying for and maintaining research permits, such as National Marine Fisheries Service Section 10(a)(1)(A), California Department of Fish and Wildlife Service Scientific Collecting, and/or UCSD Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee permits.


  • Job offer is contingent upon satisfactory clearance based on Background Check results.

  • Must have a driver’s license.

Our employees enjoy competitive compensation packages and educational opportunities in a diverse, stimulating workforce.

This position is eligible for full benefits first day of hire:
a) Health/Dental/Vision Insurance
b) Vacation/holidays (15 vacation days & 13 paid holidays a year)
c) Work/Life Balance
d) Life insurance
e) UC Retirement Plan
f) Pet Insurance