Job Type          Temporary

Salary Details  $28/hour

Invasive species are a leading threat to conserving and protecting natural resources across the National Wildlife Refuge System.  Within the 50 National Wildlife Refuges of the Pacific Southwest Region, invasive species are the most widespread and serious threats to priority refuge resources. The Region’s invasive species program funds and coordinates efforts of individual refuges to reduce the adverse effects of invasive species through strategic planning, baseline inventory, monitoring, early detection and rapid response, preventive measures, eradication, as well as control/management.

The Refuge Invasive Species Management Support Specialist serves as the interim Invasive Species Coordinator/ Strike Team Coordinator for Pacific Southwest Region National Wildlife Refuges. The Specialist promotes and supports a strategic and adaptive approach to invasive species management (based on the established National Wildlife Refuge System model) on refuge lands, working collaboratively with other Pacific Southwest Region programs, including the Inventory and Monitoring Program, Integrated Pest Management Coordinator, the Aquatic Invasive Species Branch, and Refuge Planning, as well as with refuges across the Region.

The Invasive Species Management Support Specialist advances priorities of the Pacific Southwest Region invasive species program through performance of the following duties:

Coordinate the regional invasive species grant program, including developing and distributing requests for proposals; coordinate regional review of proposals; communicate with refuges to resolve proposal issues; and coordinate reporting for selected proposals.

Provide assistance in leading invasive species prioritization workshops with refuges: Document the process steps needed to prepare and conduct workshops, including data management and analysis.Recommend and implement enhancements to the process. Conduct data mining, data entry and data processing to support refuge workshops.

Develop a regional SharePoint site to provide easily accessible invasive species guidance and resources for refuges.

Support refuges in implementing baseline inventories for invasive species, and in developing invasive species monitoring protocols.

Provide guidance and support to refuges for development of invasive species management plans

Career development: GBI’s Research Associate Program presents emerging professionals with career-enhancing opportunities in natural/cultural/recreation resource management, ecological conservation, environmental stewardship, and related fields. This position provides opportunities to interact with regional USFWS invasive-species experts, planners, data managers, and Refuge staff, support science-based approaches to conserving natural resources, and gain exposure to policies and initiatives for managing public lands.


GBI seeks an individual who fulfills the following qualifications:

Bachelor’s degree (minimum) in natural resource management or related discipline, plus demonstrated experience in the technical skills below; those with an advanced degree are encouraged to apply;

Strong understanding of invasion ecology;

Experience in strategic planning for invasive-species management projects and programs; we particularly seek an individual with experience in supporting adaptive management of invasive plants;

Ability to support refuges in implementing baseline inventories for invasive species, and in developing invasive species monitoring protocols;

Experience in data collection, management, analysis, and interpretation;

​Facility with use of the MS Office suite of software;

Experience with mobile data collection tools such as Arc Collector;

Experience with applications of GIS mapping and related software, technologies and products;

Strong organizational skills, and experience in and ability to organize and track data records and project status;

Experience in summarizing and documenting program outcomes;

​Ability to communicate with a diverse audience, both in writing and verbally;

Strong skills in technical writing to clearly convey refuge-specific and regional project findings and statuses;

Familiarity with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service mission, goals and operations, and National Wildlife Refuges of the Pacific Southwest Region and associated resource features and issues, preferred;

Willingness to travel as needed to gather data and other information from refuges and attend meetings with refuge staff;

Valid, clean, state-issued driver’s license and familiarity driving 4WD vehicles on pavement and on unimproved roads; and

Willingness and ability to consistently enact high performance standards and a strong work and team ethic in support of the mission of GBI and the goals of the USFWS.

The successful applicant must complete a Department of Interior (DOI) Background Investigation (BI) or submit paperwork indicating an active and fully adjudicated BI has already been completed. If you already have a fully adjudicated BI, please let us know in your application.


To learn more and apply, please follow the link below: