Habitat Program Manager

Position: Habitat Program Manager

Supervisor: Quileute Natural Resources Director

Location: La Push, Washington

Work Info: Full Time: 40 Hrs/Week (M-F)

Salary: DOQ/E ($57,470 – $86,195)

Closes: Open Until Filled



Position Description


Apply: Send Application Package to the address listed below.

Once you complete your application you may save it as a PDF file and return by email, mail or by fax to:

Human Resources Department
PO BOX 279
La Push, WA 98350
Fax # (360) 374-4368
E-mail: hr@quileutenation.org

Please follow up with a phone call to ensure we received your application at (360) 374-2175.

Click here for fillable QTC Job Application



This position will be responsible for overseeing the habitat program, providing leadership and support for habitat staff and is responsible for restoration project planning, implementation, and monitoring. The Habitat Program Manager will manage all administrative components of the habitat program, including grant and budget management, securing permits, negotiating landowner agreements, and coordinating with other departments. The Habitat Program will also oversee habitat protection through the review of environmental permitting (NEPA, SEPA, and HPAs) coordination with project sponsors implementing projects within Quileute’s Usual and Accustomed Area (U&A). This will include project development and administration for the purpose of protection and restoration activities that benefit floodplain processes and associated native aquatic communities within the Quileute U&A river basins including the Quillayute, Dickey, Sol Duc, Bogachiel, Calawah, Goodman Creek, and Lake Ozette watershed. The Habitat Program Manager will operate directly under the Quileute Natural Resources (QNR) Director to provide effective and efficient project leadership and administration to complete these habitat program functions. This position requires strong writing skills and knowledge of environmental policy and Pacific Northwest ecology.



Project Development and Implementation

  • Lead the development and designing of projects to protect and restore floodplain processes and functions and/or restore habitat connectivity on lands within the Quileute U&A.
  • Work with habitat staff to identify and prioritize project reaches within the assigned basin for protection and restoration based on the ecological requirements of associated native fish communities (with an emphasis on anadromous salmonids) and applicable planning documents.
  • Proactively incorporate developing research information regarding floodplain/riverine processes and native aquatic communities into habitat project planning and technologies and methods that improve habitat program efficiency.
  • Support habitat staff in project scoping, including timelines, feasibility, funding, and permitting.
  • Oversee engineering and construction contracts.
  • Manage media and outreach for restoration projects.
  • Negotiate and secure landowner agreements for restoration work.

Project Administration

  • Develop annual work plans and budgets for project implementation with habitat staff, and work with the QNR Planner/Grant Writer to complete associated tasks. 
  • Complete permitting requirements and clearances as necessary in a coordinated and proactive manner.
  • Work with QNR Planner/Grant Writer to identify and pursue opportunities to diversify habitat project funding and cost-share opportunities.
  • Grant management, including, but is not limited to the development and management of budgets, grant reporting, tracking deadlines, ensuring compliance with grant restrictions, funding advocacy, contracts, identifying matching funding sources, communication between agencies and within the Tribe, and contractors.

Data Collection, Analysis and Management

  • Oversee the development and implementation of coordinated monitoring efforts to provide necessary information for all aspects of habitat enhancement including, scoping, design, implementation, project effectiveness and adaptive management.
  • Coordinate monitoring goals and efforts with habitat staff and with other appropriate QNR programs to utilize multiple scales of measure and maximize efficiency.
  • Ensure appropriate and current analysis techniques are being used to collect data by the habitat staff.
  • Make certain the collection and storing of data is in a manner that is consistent with QA/QC requirements that will be developed as the habitat program continues to grow.


  • Develop and maintain cooperative relationships with agency personnel, landowners, and stakeholders in each subbasin, and coordinate restoration activities annually.
  • With assistance from the QNR Director, develop collaborative relationships with co-managers (e.g., Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife), non- governmental organizations, private landowners, and universities to develop cost-share opportunities, distribute project workloads, implement projects, and ensure projects are scientifically defensible.


  • Work with the Quileute fiscal staff to complete quarterly, semi-annual, and annual reports in a timely manner that is consistent with contract requirements.
  • Prepare and present project results in reports and public forums to foster a productive educational exchange and promote the Quileute Tribe and its Natural Resources Department.

Secondary Job Functions:

  • Participate in internal and interagency work sessions, as needed (i.e., WSDOT implementation meetings), review correspondence, and provide written comment regarding proposed local, Tribal, State and Federal environmental regulations, environmental impact statements and assessments, forest management plans, noxious weed control efforts, and other activities that may affect fish, wildlife, or their habitats.
  • In coordination with the Quileute Media Policy, participate in designing educational materials and displays for public outreach activities, provide tours, workshops, slide programs and oral presentations to landowners, agencies, various interest groups, school groups, education service districts, etc. to promote habitat protection/restoration, and identify and address land use practices detrimental to anadromous salmonid production.

Please note: There are other duties as assigned with the nature of the position and the small department it functions within.



Skills in:

  • Facilitation and negotiation to promote Tribal restoration efforts among other agency personnel, private landowners, and various stakeholders.

Knowledge of:

  • Aquatic ecosystems and associated biota along with an understanding of physical stream and hydrologic processes and functions is required.
  • Fish and wildlife biology with an emphasis on anadromous salmonids of the Washington Coast.
  • Physical floodplain function and processes such as channel migration and formation, sediment routing, wood material recruitment and routing, surface/subsurface water exchange, and vegetation succession as it relates to the ecology of anadromous salmonids.
  • Watershed processes and basic hydrology at a watershed scale.
  • Pacific Northwest ecosystems and threats.
  • Anadromous salmonid life history and ecology.
  • Environmental policy and permitting processes.
  • Treaty Rights and roles/responsibilities as co-managers. 

Ability to:

  • Effectively communicate both verbally and in writing to develop grant applications, restoration permits, and contractual agreements that withstand:
  1. Technical scrutiny
  2. Administrative review 
  3. Policy conformation reviews


  • Contribute to tribal and general public understanding of salmonid restoration. Technical writing sample (10 page minimum) must be included with application materials.

Experience with:

  • Computer usage and specific programs including Microsoft Word (word processing), Excel (spreadsheets), PowerPoint (presentation), and Explorer (web navigation). Must be able to efficiently operate each of these software applications.
  • ArcMap, AutoCAD, and software related to GPS and remote sensing applications, with the ability to discern property boundaries and ownership.
  • Overseeing contractors/consultants and field crews (riparian fence construction, in-stream enhancement projects, bank stabilization, etc.)
  • Grant management
  • Supervising employees in project-based work



  • Create and maintain a professional and supportive work environment that encourages open constructive criticism of ideas and focus on the prime goal of fulfilling the QNR Mission.
  • Communications: 1)Keep others informed of work issues and programs by maintaining frequent communications. 2)Work at the most direct and immediate level to resolve issues of conflicting personalities and needs.
  • Develop and maintain proactive working relationships with funding agency contract officer technical representatives.
  • Telework is a possibility for this position but would require approval by the Quileute Natural Resources Director, and QTC.



  • Ability to carry/lift 40 pounds when necessary.
  • Ability to walk (several miles a day) in uneven, hilly terrain.
  • Ability to work outdoors in inclement weather in and around water for extended periods.
  • Ability to work in uneven and slippery terrain.
  • Ability to ride and maintain ATV’s and trail bikes.
  • Ability to operate small hand tools.
  • Ability to sit and work at computer workstation for several hours.
  • Ability to work modified work hours and weekends.
  • Ability to travel occasionally and stay overnight as needed.



Supervise 2-4 full-time employees that will include the following tasks.

  • Employee annual work plan development, performance reviews.
  • Prioritize and direct project implementation, maintenance, and monitoring actions.
  • Identify and coordinate staff training needs.
  • Direct and coordinate project activities and data collection to be consistent in addressing design and permit requirements (e.g., endangered species act, state historic preservation offices, riparian and stream zone alteration permitting) to achieve successful compliance in project implementation.
  • Maximize efficiency and effectiveness of staff and resources across habitat project activities.



Required Qualifications:

*Closely related qualifying experience may be substituted for the required education on a year-by-year basis.

  • Bachelor of Science Degree from an accredited college or university in Fisheries, Fisheries and Wildlife Science, Natural Resource Management, Forestry, Environmental Engineering, Environmental Policy, or a closely related field such as ecology, biology, hydrology, watershed management, geology, landscape architecture, regional planning, or environmental science.
  • Minimum of five (5) years of experience relevant to the position with minimum of two (2) years in a supervisory role.
  • Valid driver’s license.

Minimum/Preferred Qualifications:

  • Examples of relevant experience may include identifying fish habitat deficiencies and limiting factors, assessing river and floodplain conditions, identifying floodplain function and processes, implementing aquatic habitat enhancements, actively participating in watershed management decisions, developing funding proposals, and developing workplans and budgets.
  • A Master of Science degree from an accredited university or college, in Fisheries or environmental planning or a closely related field can be substituted for two years of experience.

Please Note:

  • A Master’s degree or Ph.D will substitute for years of experience.



The Habitat Program Manager will operate directly under the Director of Natural Resources to provide effective and efficient project leadership and administration to complete these habitat program functions.

The statements contained herein reflect the general details as necessary to describe the principal functions of this job, the level of knowledge and skill typically required, and the scope of responsibility, but should not be considered an all-inclusive listing of work requirements. Individuals may perform other duties as assigned including work in other functional areas to cover absences or relief, to equalize peak work periods, or balance the workload.

Special Requirements: Must have and retain a valid Washington State Driver’s License ~ please provide a copy with job application. Must pass a criminal background check, drug and alcohol screening and reference check.

Indian preference will apply. If applicants have equal qualifications, preference will be given first to a Quileute Indian applicant and then to other Native Americans and Alaska Natives. Except as provided by the Indian Preference Act (Title 25 U.S. Code Sec. 472 & 473) there will be no discrimination in selection because of race, color, creed, age, sex, national origin, physical handicap, marital status, politics, or membership/non-membership in an employee organization.


How to Apply


Send Application Package to the address listed below.

Applications can be downloaded at www.quileutenation.org/job-openings/

Via email: hr@quileutenation.org


The Quileute Tribe

Human Resources Department

P.O. Box 279

La Push, Washington 98350


Ensure your Application contains:

  1. Quileute Tribal Application (REQUIRED) 
  2. Cover Letter (REQUIRED)
  3. Resume (REQUIRED) 
  4. Tribal Enrollment Verification (REQUIRED)
  5. Driver’s License (REQUIRED)
  6. Diploma/Transcripts(s) High School/GED, College (REQUIRED)
  7. Certification(s)
  8. Credentials (if required)
  9. Writing Sample(s) (REQUIRED)

NOTE: Incomplete applications will not be considered.