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Salary– $39,311 – $56,790 per year


Duties listed are at full performance grade GS-07 level. This position is responsible for development, implementation and administration of the unit?s Fire Prevention Program. Provides technical expertise on fire protection and prevention issues. Analyzes, coordinates, organizes and develops comprehensive Wildfire Prevention Analysis Plans for the unit. Plans, supervises, schedules, directs and coordinates prevention activities. Plans and supervises exhibits and events for fire prevention/education activities. Performs suppression operations on fire management unit. Responsible for updating fire occurrence map and large fire history annually. Plans, organizes, supervises, schedules and directs group prevention/education contacts with external entities. Prepares annual financial and budgetary plans for the prevention program using the appropriate data to prepare the workload cost analysis. Establishes and maintains liaison with local law enforcement personnel for violations of State Law, fire-setter contacts and other violations. As part of industrial fire prevention inspections, issues on the spot Notices of Violations, and designates corrective action required for fire precaution regulations. Recommends issuing burning or campfire permits for the Unit with regards to Fire Danger Levels, monitors for compliance/non-compliance and manages records. Performs suppression operations on fire management unit. Responsible for updating fire occurrence map and large fire history annually. Manages the unit’s fire detection program as required.