For more information, please follow this link:—habitat-biologist—2-openings—permanent—00499-22-omakmethow-washington/1386538102?utm_source=ongage&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=regular

Salary- 56,856.00 – $74,604.00 Annually


Administers the Hydraulic Project Approval (HPA) process in accordance with Chapter 77.55.RCW, 77.57.RCW, and Chapter 220-660-WAC (Hydraulic Code Rules). Tasks include, but are not limited to:

  • Reviews HPA applications for completeness and compliance with other permit requirements.
  • Technical review of project proposals to determine if correct information on resources present on or near the project site are identified and inventoried and that appropriate mitigation is provided for identified impacts to these resources.
  • Conducts field reviews and participate in preconstruction meetings.
  • Coordinates reviews with other state agencies as well as local and federal agencies.
  • Recommends various and applicable Best Management Practices (BMPs) and construction techniques.
  • Evaluates potential adverse impacts of project proposals on fish resources.
  • Evaluates and recommend alternatives or plan modifications.
  • Coordinates appropriate mitigation plans.
  • Approves, conditions, or denies HPA’s for the protection of fish life.
  • Conducts office and field review of USFS hydraulic projects as provided in the Memorandum of Understanding for Hydraulic Projects (MOU) between WDFW and USFS. Provide comments and provisions for hydraulic projects in accordance with the MOU. Conduct or participate in yearly meetings with USFS staff to review projects conducted or to be conducted under the MOU.

Provides review of SEPA/NEPA (State Environmental Policy Act/National Environmental Policy Act) documents, variance requests, zoning change requests, shoreline substantial development permit documents, US Corps of Engineers 401 & 404 permit applications, critical area ordinances, shoreline management plans, and other land use permit applications, documents, and proposals. Periodic review and update of Priority Habitats and Species and Growth Management. Tasks include, but are not limited to:

  • Serves as the local WDFW representative to support implementation of the Growth Management Act and Shoreline Management Act.
  • Works with city and county planners, citizens, developers, and conservation groups to ensure that local laws, ordinances, and programs incorporate and assist with the implementation of WDFW Priority Habitat and Species management recommendations and specialized planning tools such as Local Habitat Assessments.
  • Reviews and commenting on SEPA and NEPA declarations and determinations.
  • Provides technical guidance in the development of local environmental documents such as Variances, Substantial Development Plans, Conditional Use permit applications, Highway Plans, and floodplain plans.
  • Reviews project plans to determine potential impacts on fish, wildlife, and habitat.
  • Coordinates participation and discussions involving local tribes and other agency personnel in determining project impacts and potential mitigation alternatives.
  • Recommends alternative methods in project plans to avoid potential impacts and assure adequate protection of fish and wildlife.
  • Negotiates with project proponents to incorporate mitigation into the project.