
As a Fish and WIldlife Biologist your duties will include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Provides administrative and technical guidance to subordinate staff and gives advice and support to other Service units in the region in carrying out the Service’s responsibilities under several Acts: Endangered Species Act, Marine Mammal Protection Act, Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act, Clean Water Act, Migratory Bird Treaty Act, and National Environmental Policy Act, Develops and presents, or assists in developing and presenting, related training and workshops.
  • Serves as an advisor to the Office in developing, analyzing, and commenting on policy issues and Program plans and budgets relating to administration of the multiple Programs. Prepares evaluations of proposed policies for submission to the Regional Office. Notifies individuals within and outside the Service of policy changes.
  • The Endangered Species Program components include: conducting and reviewing Section 7 consultations, reviewing species’ status, preparing listing actions, developing and implementing recovery plans, and providing scientific review and recommendations on actions involving listed species and critical habitat to individuals both within and outside the Service.
  • The Marine Mammals Management Program components include: preparing and reviewing incidental take regulations and incidental harassment authorizations under the Marine Mammal Protection Act, developing recommendations to reduce impacts from various activities to marine mammals, working with partners and industry to conserve marine mammals.
  • Represents the Service on committees and at professional meetings, hearings, and conferences pertaining to assigned areas. Prepares and presents talks and reports, both technical and non-technical in nature, to the general public, professional organizations, other agencies, and Service personnel. Prepares responses to inquiries from the Service directorate, other Service personnel, Federal and State agencies, Congressional representatives, and the general public.

Physical Demands: The work is usually sedentary, but requires good concentration, ability to handle the stress of numerous un-related activities in a short time period, limited heavy lifting, and other related physical demands. Travel to meetings or workshops (usually by commercial airlines and rented automobiles) may be required with limited forewarning. Projects/program investigations and field work could entail walking over rough and/or uneven terrain.

Work Environment: The work is usually performed in an office environment. The office is adequately lighted, heated, and ventilated. Temperature and weather extremes may be encountered in the performance of outdoor work such as a site visit; however, this is not a common occurrence.

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