Job Type          Permanent

Salary Details  $34,916 to $68,777 per year

Deadline          Oct 26, 2020


  • Duties listed are at full performance GS-09 grade level. May serve as a Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR) on fuels management contracts and may be responsible for the preparation of contract specifications and performance measures.
  • Serves as a member of an interdisciplinary team planning, developing, and implementing land management plans, compliance documents, and agreements. Provides input and recommends strategies for fuels and fire management.
  • Provides assistance to other resource program managers in the design of fuels management prescriptions and implementation plans. Provides information on fuels management methods to enhance, restore and protect ecosystems.
  • If qualified to do so, may prepare or review implementation plans such as prescribed fire plans or silvicultural prescriptions. Supports wildland fire response activities as qualified and assigned.
  • Participates in the development, review, and modification of the fire management plan. Develops, reviews and monitors fuels management plans.
  • Works closely with other resource specialists to integrate vegetation management project designs in fuels program direction. Reviews environmental documents, and fire management plans of other agencies and stakeholders which will affect the unit.
  • Prepares wildland fire risk assessments incorporating wildland/urban interface considerations into all agreements, operating plans, and land and fire management plans,
  • to ensure that all interface areas are covered and state and local responsibilities are apportioned appropriately. Participates in the development of cooperative agreements to facilitate multi-agency projects.
  • Provides professional expertise in the development of resource objectives and guidance for implementation of projects and programs.
  • Develops fuels treatment alternatives to support management decisions while adhering to applicable laws, regulations, policies, and guidelines.
  • Evaluates individual fuels treatments as well as the effectiveness of the assigned program and makes recommendations for improvement.
  • Coordinates with the next higher organizational level, other agencies, cooperators, and stakeholders to develop interagency fuels strategies. Represents the organization in multi-agency fuels management activities.
  • Maintains awareness of technological developments in wildland fire science and related disciplines. Collects information through a variety of methods, including field surveys, computer modeling, and specific literature searches.
  • Stays abreast of state-of-the-art computer modeling software and scientific methods to support fire use, air quality, and fuel treatment planning and applications.
  • Coordinates multi-disciplinary field studies related to fuels management program issues to determine effectiveness of treatments. Coordinates and provides transfer of findings to the appropriate personnel.
  • May be responsible for the smoke management program to ensure compliance with state air quality standards.
  • Coordinates with federal, state, and local government air quality officials in their development of operational procedures and reporting requirements.
  • Performs fiscal analysis, assists in formulating the annual fuels management budget, and maintains a system of accounts to track program expenditures.
  • As qualified, supports prescribed fire activities, wildfire, and fuels management activities to ensure targets are achieved, management objectives are met and mitigation measures are adequate.
  • Designs and implements fuels management surveys to document presence, amount, and types of hazardous fuels. Utilizes the results of the surveys to prioritize prescribed fire and fuels management projects. Performs other duties as assigned.

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