Job Type: Temporary
Salary Details: $13.50/hr
Deadline: Sep 06, 2021
Required Experience: 0 – 1 years

See full job and application details at

About the Job

Field Crew Members will work on a crew of 6, comprised of a Field Crew Leader, an Assistant Field Crew Leader, and 4 Field Crew Members. Field Crew Members will complete 2 weeks of orientation followed by 10 weeks working on multiday, remote field projects for up to 9 days at a time. Field crews may address projects such as, but not limited to: 

  • Trail relocations 
  • Rockwork construction 
  • Erosion control (installation of water bars, grade dips, log or stone steps, etc.) 
  • Mitigating campsite impacts 
  • Reestablishing trail tread 
  • Brushing trail corridors and removing downed trees 
  • Baseline species data collection 
  • Non-native and invasive species removal 
  • Public education (Leave No Trace, bear safety and awareness, wilderness education, etc.) 

Essential Duties and Responsibilites

  • Complete field crew member training which may include trail construction, trail maintenance, backcountry camp set up and procedures, Leave No Trace ethics, and backpacking skills. 
  • Work with crew leaders to effectively complete critical backcountry stewardship projects. 
  • Assist in developing and maintaining effective, positive relationships with US Forest Service personnel, partner organization staff, and partner organization volunteers. 
  • Create media (blogs, photography, video, etc.) to share for reporting and documentation. 
  • Follow and practice SAWS organizational policies in the field. 
  • Hike into, camp, and work in backcountry settings, more than a mile from a vehicle or trailhead. 
  • Maintain a safe, positive, and fun working environment where everyone feels welcome and their contributions are valued. 
  • Maintain high standard levels for project completion. 


  • Enthusiasm for the SAWS mission, environmental conservation, public lands, and the Southern Appalachian landscape. 
  • Commitment to learning and acting on SAWS’ Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion program and dismantling racist systems and barriers to access to public lands.   
  • Ability to travel on foot over rough terrain for up to 10 miles per day while carrying 65lbs or more. 
  • Ability to work in a remote and primitive setting with diverse groups of people. 
  • Desire to be a vibrant member of an enthusiastic working team and transformative non-profit organization and to make a difference for the surrounding landscape and communities.

Please apply on our website here: